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Speed cameras being taken down in Rotherham

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Could someone please explain why they are against speed cameras? I am confused. If you dont speed you dont get fined. So the solution to this voluntary tax is not speed. Why is it an issue where they are?


There is the argument that if you are watching your speedo you are not watching the road.

There is the argument that the fixation on speeding as opposed to driving at excessive speeds for the conditions leads to driver complacency.

There is the argument that the advent of speed cameras heralded a dramatic decrease in enforcement of other driving offences, tail gating for example.

There is the argument that they don't improve road safety (Jury's still out on that one I believe).



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But none of those arguments, even if we accept all four of them, are actually a case against speed cameras. They could be a strong case against introducing more, and other, methods of enforcement, but that's all.


Good point. If you can't glance at your speedo to check your speed, as taught in driving lessons, then there's an issue with your driving standards. Same with if you feel the need to continually check your speedo. Any competent driver should be able to drive and maintain a constant speed.

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