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Do you agree with the strike ACTION? Yes or No

Do you agree with the strike action?  

435 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you agree with the strike action?

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37 hrs? Mon-Fri? Christmas? Is this when most of the private sector get a day off?

Im public sector, i dont work monday to friday, i dont get xmas off.


Ditto. I've been in work this morning. I also remote work in the evenings.


My contract may say 37 hours but I do well beyond that.

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In the 1970s, a strike would bring the country to its knees, the dead were unburied, rubbish piled up and you could argue that the strikes had a major impact.


BUt in 2011, the strikes created a boom in additional shoppers and ironically many private sector businesses are hoping for more strikes in the future. For some businesses, profits were up 40% on Wednesday.


Is this good? we could have many in the private sector WANTING more strikes in the future.


What does this say? it could say that the strikers are so well paid that they could miss a days pay AND STILL hit the high street..........on the other hand, perhaps it shows that we have too many of them, because the country did not grind to a halt, and in fact it boomed.


A far cry from the strikes of the 1970s

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No. and im an NHS worker. Ive got a decent job, with decent pay, good sick leave, good holidays and a good pension... and there just isnt enough money to keep paying the pension we currently get with everyone living longer & longer.. whether its in credit at the moment or not..., so we pay more in or work longer or a combination of both... simple as that. I dont see what the problem is... and i was appalled to be verbally abused by my own colleagues for going into work on wednesday... to care for sick patients! Disgusting behaviour by grown adults!

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Scargill won. Pity about the miners.


All the major union leaders are millionaires - Scargill actually worked for his by trying to keep pits open.


We now have closed pits / steel works / car industry/ ship yards and the people who would be filling those jobs are robbing your houses and terrorising your estates.


When Scargill lost we all did.

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No way.

The last labour government have spent all the cash and left the UK in a mess.

Now the unions are wanting more Viv Nicholson, "Spend, spend, spend".


Daft at the very best.


I think the last labour government headed by the now international peace envoy had a title equally misleading. He has however made his millions forwarding the interests of the working class making sure the army recruiting office is kept or soon will be kept busy.


The invasion of Iraq by a party with a majority based on UK electoral turnouts and opposed by so many on the protest marches and other EU leaders is about as near to a dictatorship as you can get.


Hes had one eye on the popes job since learning he was in the Hitler youth because he believes that even he is left of that but im not so sure.

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All the major union leaders are millionaires - Scargill actually worked for his by trying to keep pits open.


We now have closed pits / steel works / car industry/ ship yards and the people who would be filling those jobs are robbing your houses and terrorising your estates.


When Scargill lost we all did.




When Scargill lost we all won.


Scargill was fighting for more tax payers money to be poured into loss making industries like coal, steel, ship building, car making etc etc. None of those industries could stand up without massive subsidy because unions had hiked up wages, driven down quality and their customers were going elsewhere.


The people robbing your houses and terrorising your estates have been let down by successive Labour administrations who have failed to invest in anything to put in place of those industries. They poured their money into benefits and left people idle and ill educated.

Edited by Jim Graham
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When Scargill lost we all won.


Scargill was fighting for more tax payers money to be poured into loss making industries like coal, steel, ship building, car making etc etc. None of those industries could stand up without massive subsidy because unions had hiked up wages, driven down quality and their customers were going elsewhere.


The people robbing your houses and terrorising your estates have been let down by successive Labour administrations who have failed to invest in anything to put in place of those industries. They poured their money into benefits and left people idle and ill educated.


There hasnt been a "labour" administration since Wilson told the yanks to sort vietnam out on their own. Everyone since has been shoulder to shoulder or up their backside depending on your point of view.


The NHS is aa continued lossmaker as indeed were the pits under Scargill should we pour taxpayers money into the NHS ? - personally Im a yes to both.


Education was in fact provided by the smokestack industries by way of training so tha Scargill loss was also a loss to education - thanks for pointing that out.

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There hasnt been a "labour" administration since Wilson told the yanks to sort vietnam out on their own. Everyone since has been shoulder to shoulder or up their backside depending on your point of view.


The NHS is aa continued lossmaker as indeed were the pits under Scargill should we pour taxpayers money into the NHS ? - personally Im a yes to both.


Education was in fact provided by the smokestack industries by way of training so tha Scargill loss was also a loss to education - thanks for pointing that out.



Wilson had to devalue the pound. So, by a true Labour administration you mean economically reckless while pandering to the whims of the trade unions. In that case I suggest Gordon Brown did a pretty good job of being true Labour


I have asked a number people on these message boards to give me an example of a current, successful Socialist economy. Nobody has come up with a credible answer so far. Given your admiration for Scargill I am sure you will be able to do better.


Obviously Scargill wasn't a loss to local history lessons. You seem to be able to make it up OK.


The blindingly obvious difference between the NHS and the Coal Board is that the NHS is a service and coal is a commodity. Coal has to be sold but the NHS has no shortage of people wanting free everything. By the time Scargill had held the country to ransom nobody could afford our coal so they bought it from abroad cheaper.


If energy prices keep going up it will again be viable to dig up the coal that is in the ground, and on the spoil heaps. The only thing that stops it happening now is that it's still not economic even with the massice price rises and it hasn't been economic since the 1950s.


And even if the mines were to reopen where would the labour come from to work them? You can't seriously think the current jobcentre fodder are going to get their hands dirty. No, all the jobs will go to cheap foreign labour while lazy Brits sit idly by and complain. Now that's a true Labour legacy isnt it?

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