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Verbal abuse of cyclists

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...and it happened again this morning. I was cycling up Chesterfield Road- no red lights run, on the road, not the pavement, moving at a good but not reckless speed- when I was yelled at by, not the driver, but the passenger of a car which was overtaking me.


"Argle bargle wargle BIKE argle wargle!!" Is anyone able to translate this for me? If it's any help, the arm of the commentator was heavily tattoo-ed.


Not that the tattoo-ed are intrinsically anti-social. Some of my best friends etc., and so on...

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I cycle between Walkley & Heeley on a daily basis, and, every now & again, am subject to verbal abuse. Now, I'm not referring to abuse from motorists, over perceived infractions of the law and so forth, but from pedestrians, who seem to think cyclists are fair game for yelling at.


Last Thursday evening, an individual, who seemed to be part of a gang, put himself in not inconsiderable danger by running into the road simply to lunge at me and scream in my ear. This happened at the bottom of Mushroom Lane, which seems to be a popular location for this, let's face it, bizarre activity. This, along with taunts, insults and, sometimes, just strange, guttural noises, has happened to me on half a dozen occasions this year; and it's not the result of riding on pavements or other anti-social activity, just cycling along the highways of Sheffield minding my own business.


The people who do this seem to limit this behaviour towards cyclists- they're not the familiar gentlemen of the street who shout at motorised traffic in their own inimitable & endearing way, nor do they appear to be haranguing other pedestrians in a similar manner.


Is this a sport that is somehow peculiar to Sheffield, or does it also take place in other parts of the country? Are there clubs one can join to meet fellow participants, or nationally recognised point-tallying systems which reward technical & artistic merit?


Frankly, I'm mystified. Can anyone enlighten me?


I have had this, luckily I wear my headphones so I only really notice after the event, otherwise I could have been hit by a car by these idiots. The good thing is if they try to scare you and fail they look like right twits to whoever they were trying to impress!


I had someone from part of a school class shout at me once "think you're good cos you're cycling?" the teacher/parent with them said nothing. I can only assume there parents are fat lazy arses that say things like that whilst driving their fat lazy kids around

Edited by llamatron
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Most drivers are jealous at cyclist, cyclist are free and fit. No taxes engine problems, increasing fuel cost or big tickets, insurance.

The verbal abuse only shows their own frustration.


Sheffield is very much behind and underdeveloped as a cycling community.

Too many hills makes it unpleasant to go uphill and too fast to go downhill safely. Only recently has it started to come along a little. Many main roads in poor condition for cycling. I used to make £100/day as cycling courier in toronto late 80's. That was fun summer and winter.

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Most drivers are jealous at cyclist, cyclist are free and fit. No Taxes engine problems, increasing fuel cost or big tickets, insurance

The verbal abuse only shows their own frustration.



My Bold.


Hence the reason motorists get so hacked off with free loading cyclists using the roads for free while the rest of us have to pay through the nose.

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Hence the reason motorists get so hacked off with free loading cyclists using the roads for free while the rest of us have to pay through the nose.


1. Motorists don't pay "road tax", we pay Vehicle Excise Duty based on emissions. Clearly bikes are zero-rated.


2. Owning a bike does not preclude owning a vehicle, and hence many cyclists will have paid VED on their vehicle.

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1. Motorists don't pay "road tax", we pay Vehicle Excise Duty based on emissions. Clearly bikes are zero-rated.


2. Owning a bike does not preclude owning a vehicle, and hence many cyclists will have paid VED on their vehicle.


Exactly what I was about to say. If you don't want to pay through your nose for road tax Cess Pitt, change your car from the 1994 vauxhall astra to a car that won't pollute the environment as much, or shut up moaning.

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My Bold.


Hence the reason motorists get so hacked off with free loading cyclists using the roads for free while the rest of us have to pay through the nose.


And how much tax do you pay that you're not required to, Cess Pit? If you don't like Custom & Excise regulations, then lobby government through your MP; you won't get anywhere moaning about it on SF.


I'd like to see them justifying tax & insurance for cyclists. How much damage do you think cyclists cause to the roads, environment, atmosphere & other road users.


You're having a laugh, aren't you?

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Sheffield is faaaaaaaar behind rest of the world as far as cycling is concerned. Its getting better now, slowly.

Other first and third world countries already have cycling integrated for over 60 years.


Bigger fines are needed for antisocial behavior of motorist towards cyclists. Any display of them taking out personal frustrations on cyclist should come with intense increased fines and points.


There is not one country in the world where cyclists are being taxed or insured.

Some people on this forum talk like they live on a far away planet not in touch with the world they live in.

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Most drivers are jealous at cyclist, cyclist are free and fit. No taxes engine problems, increasing fuel cost or big tickets, insurance.

The verbal abuse only shows their own frustration.


Sheffield is very much behind and underdeveloped as a cycling community.

Too many hills makes it unpleasant to go uphill and too fast to go downhill safely. Only recently has it started to come along a little. Many main roads in poor condition for cycling. I used to make £100/day as cycling courier in toronto late 80's. That was fun summer and winter.


Spot on-its one of the few times drivers are green!Drivers are generally older fatter and less attractive than cyclists,and probably more indebted.Sheffield is behind the times in many ways,and has done little to promote cycling except by raising bus fares.

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My Bold.


Hence the reason motorists get so hacked off with free loading cyclists using the roads for free while the rest of us have to pay through the nose.


Well the tax paid is related to the damage caused and the congestion created.whatever your views you must concede that bikes do not cause congestion and inflict minimal surface damage.It is the cyclists who sacrifice the use of the car to free up roads for the lazy and unfit who cannot/will not cycle.You really should be a lot more grateful and send each cyclist a card at Xmas

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