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Selling & buying in the Sheffield housing market.

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I was wondering...


it better to sell your house first & then look at making an offer on another house, OR, make an offer on a house then put your house on the market.


As either way someone is left waiting around until the chain is complete:confused:

Which way worked for you??

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With todays housing market, you would be best to sell your property first before making any offers on other properties.

My house is for sale at a bargain price after reducing it by 30K. Its in a good area too. Ive had it for sale for almost a year and its still remains unsold.

If i'd have made any offers on other houses it would have been a waste of time for my self and others.

Good luck with everything.. :-) x

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Always sell first - no point wasting anyones time if yours doesn't sell quickly!


For those bidding on yours, seek buyers who either have no chain and a def mortgage or cash, or who have a buyer for their home already... It's always unsettling moving home, but this should make things a bit easier :)

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Zippyzag1 - I would suggest its still too expensive.


OP - You can make an offer on a house at any time but the vendor may not consider it until you have sold yours and definately won't consider it if your house isn't even on the market.


Put yours on the market, start looking and see what happens. You can always view properties and let the selling EA know your situation. There is a danger though you will fall in love with a house and lose it because yours hasn't sold.

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