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How to invest money in gold

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I think the 1500 dollar/oz has been passed but i think the bubble will burst soon. The trend could continue but i think a reversal is due but world affairs normally dictate the price so who knows.


Wow, it sounds like Gordon Brown sold the countries gold reserves just in time then. I think he got something like $280/ounce. How many Ss are there in to....er?

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hi all does anyone know much about investing money in gold as i would like to start doing so but dont know to much about how to go about it


I agree with NorthernStar. The fact that lots of people are wanting to invest in gold can only artificially inflate the price. Apparently commodities fell sharply last week. Brent Crude down 13%. That might be worth a punt. Oil is bound to go back up again.





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  • 2 weeks later...
George Soros, the hedge fund investor who called gold "the ultimate bubble", has sold almost his entire holding of the precious metal, leading to fears that the price is about to fall.


Bubble about to burst?

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  • 5 months later...
If you physically want to own gold the cheapest way is to buy Krugerrands. The price is the same as the ounce of pure gold that they contain.


I looked into this recently as I have no faith in the banks at the moment. I don't trust government issued currency as a safe place to keep your savings.


I agree that Krugerrands look like the best investment and Bairds seem to be the most reliable company to buy from:



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I looked into this recently as I have no faith in the banks at the moment. I don't trust government issued currency as a safe place to keep your savings.


Why do you think gold is safer? Assuming the banks and the currency all collapse, what use is a pile of shiny metal going to be?


(Gold) gets dug out of the ground in Africa, or someplace. Then we melt it down, dig another hole, bury it again and pay people to stand around guarding it. It has no utility. Anyone watching from Mars would be scratching their head.
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Why do you think gold is safer? Assuming the banks and the currency all collapse, what use is a pile of shiny metal going to be?


Go an take a look in the window at H Samuel and then reconsider whether gold has utility or not.

Or for that matter, take your PC apart, heat up the motherboard in the oven and catch all the gold that drips out...


It mainly has value because it's rare, but it does have industrial uses. If there was some sort of worldwide collapse it would still have value though, as someone would be rich again somewhere and would want to buy shiny things.

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hi all does anyone know much about investing money in gold as i would like to start doing so but dont know to much about how to go about it


I know a private gold and silver dealer in Sheff


Pm me for details


The only sound investment is gold or silver !


No one can deny that ,


The first country to start backing thief currency with gold ( possibly china india as they are buying every single bit of new gold being dug up )


Will be the new dominant currency of the world


I suggest you tune into RT news , Russian today ,


Max kisser report is a very good progrmame


Much mor Honest story telling than say

Sky or BBC

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