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Curries! How do you like yours?


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Hotter the better, normally Vindalou or Phal but like them with onions and peppers and other flavours-not just sauce.


Have you heard of 'Naga' its a newish dish made from the Naga chilli,it knocks your socks off although I ask for extra Naga.

Iv'e only seen it on a menu in Bristol,never in Sheffield or anywhere else.

Apparantly its been research for into making bombs:o

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I love most Indian spices, but absolutely hate chilli or anything hot, so for me the favourite is anything really mild, such as korma. I do get fed up of always having korma just because it is mild, so it would be good if there were a choice of meals without chilli or pepper in.

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East and West and Dhanistha are already like that - have you tried them? It would be nice to have one a bit closer to where I live, though.


Funnily enough I was in there for lunch!

vadai followed by a veg thali.


Bit fullup ...

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Feedback for a new restaurant.


What sort of currys do the ppl of Sheffield like?


The tridishnal ( home style cooking )


As Gordon Ramsey says Indian restaurants are capable of much more (gourmet small portions with the wow factor)


Why mend something that's working (leave it alone I'm happy with what I'm getting /That's what my regulars will say)



Restaurants still gona be fancy on the deco side of things and the food will also be presented nicely no matter what this is for my personal record :D


Please, please make your curries with no nuts, raisins, or chuffin eggs added in as an extra! When have they everbeen part of a curry. Sheffield needs a good curry place too many are bland. Also quite a few are going down the route of making the curries er :huh: non-spicy! Far too bland & tasteless.


I went to Ayesha's last week, jeepers creepers never ever again. The service was fantastic but the food...........0/10.


As you can tell I am not fussy or owt :D I just like good quality food in my mouth ;)

Edited by bizzle
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Things I look for in an indian meal are. Good sized portion with plenty of sauce and meat,not too much oil.Too much oil ruins the meal. Big flavours from fresh herbs and spices. Well cooked bubbly naan that isnt too thick and doughy. Extratender chunks of Lamb, King prawns cooked to perfection - not over done and chewy. Get all these right and your on to a winner in my opinion.

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Open one like this - http://www.prashad.co.uk/


I don't think my regulars will like me doing a vegi restaurant how ever I do want a unique restaurant like this 1 if we can get it up and running by the end of June will be entering the British curry awards if not il have to wait till next year to enter in the mean time we will be entering a few local competitions and other small ones around the uk

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