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Refused a place in a parent and baby space

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this problm woul be easly solved if parkng bays were made wider the planners do not seem to relize that care are now wider than they were in the 60s and we have a lot of people carriers and 4=4s but of course all they want to claim is the amount of spaces they can get in to a gven area

i speak as a person with a small car but has 5 dents caused though people banging doors in to my car


get the car park spaces made bigger


That's pretty obvious though isn't it....I'm sure there is a limit to how narrow they can be and they no doubt get that limit down to the nearest 0.5mm, I know I would.

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Definitely make all bays wider.

I'm a disabled parent. When the children were little we could use either bay. Now they are older we don't even use disabled bay if there is an ordinary one wide enough as my wheelchair is electric so doesn't matter if I am bit further away.


Would be easier for everyone if places weren't narrow, so if there are no special places available near to the shop for parents and children or those with disabilities at least there would be somewhere to park.


The reason for parent child spaces I always thought was so that you didn't have to take young children across a crowded car park but if its limited to babies I don't see the point. I didn't realise the place was limited to single parents. Presumably if you had triplets you are still supposed to only have one adult or you don't have a parent child space. How many young children would you have to have with you before they thought you could have 2 adults and still qualify?

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It is annoying when those spaces are there specifically for parents with young children to use my kids are 7 and 2 so i tend not to bother using parent and child spaces now.

When my kids were babies however trying to get them out of the car in the bulky car seat was near on impossible in the normal parking spaces ive even seen people without kids parking in parent a child spaces which is just wrong and quite idle of them.

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I have got back to my car, having parked it properly between the two lines, at ASDA Chapeltown, and had to climb over from the passenger side to be able to get in thanks to other uses who don't park straight. I was once at Parkgate shopping centre with my grandson, then 12 months in the buggy, and I couldn't get in either side without a squeeze. I had to park the pram up, squeeze in the passenger side, reverse, and then put the baby in his seat. I agree if spaces were wider mother and baby spaces wouldn't be needed.

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So you're a bit of a coward then? you'll happily have a pop at the elderly but stay quiet when there's a good chance you'll get as good as you give :roll:


Yeah very much so, I hate saying anything about anything and I wouldnt of if she hadnt stole it from under my nose. I asked if she would mind if I had it so she looked the other way. Then when I suggested I walked the two steps to get her a different one, she started talking really loud to her husband and just dirty looking me. I was somewhat not happy, I just said thank you very loudly. But maybe you are right, I do try to ignore things like that, but she was so horrible :mad:

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I have got back to my car, having parked it properly between the two lines, at ASDA Chapeltown, and had to climb over from the passenger side to be able to get in thanks to other uses who don't park straight. I was once at Parkgate shopping centre with my grandson, then 12 months in the buggy, and I couldn't get in either side without a squeeze. I had to park the pram up, squeeze in the passenger side, reverse, and then put the baby in his seat. I agree if spaces were wider mother and baby spaces wouldn't be needed.


Asda chap is the worst place for inconsiderate parkers!

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im not posting on this one again - if half of you bent down and lifted and then walked them few extra yards................................. I for one will be asking all supermarkets etc to do away with mother and child and giving to disabled


The reason for parent and baby spaces is that RESPONSIBLE parents who use child seats or baby seats need to open their car doors very wide to get their children out of the car. RESPONSIBLE parents do not want to damage other people's cars, so need a fairly wide space to open their car door. It doesn't need to be particularly close to the store or hospital, just needs to be a wide space to open the car door fully. Why do some people find this so difficult to understand???

Edited by A.B.Yaffle
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You sound like one of those parents who don't bother with child seats or baby seats and just put your baby or toddler on the car seat!


The reason for parent and baby spaces is that RESPONSIBLE parents who use child seats or baby seats need to open their car doors very wide to get their children out of the car. RESPONSIBLE parents do not want to damage other people's cars, so need a fairly wide space to open their car door. It doesn't need to be particularly close to the store or hospital, just needs to be a wide space to open the car door fully. Why do some people find this so difficult to understand???


i agree i would walk fom top endof a car park if it meant gettin into a wider space . i dont park in parent and child spaces now because theres people with kids younger than mine in more need but quite often i have to get both kids in one side of the car as people INCONSIDERATLY park too close!

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Some people don't have a clue! Try it try having small children and getting them in and out it's hard! Try doing it while being heavily pregnant see how you like it and yes our brains do turn to mush because whenyour a good parent nothing is more important than your child!! The hallamshire is awful to park at bit stupid when if your going to jessops you might need to park there it's not about being special or lazyits about 1 keeping your child safe and 2 not damaging other people cars cos you know some parents actually do care about others even though we are lazy with mushy brains!!!

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This this argument has got petty. I am a mother and when i had my daughter 4years ago there were NO parent and baby spaces in super markets, hospitals ect. I do agree with Kat326......... I had to get my baby out of the car in her car seat and get my pram and walk i too wasn't incapable of doing this meaningless task. i can see where the parking attendants were coming from..... YOU weren't on your own with a child and a baby you had someone there to help you, in my opinion why take them with you??!! These spaces are a luxury unlike the disable spaces that are a necesity!!!!!!!!!!

I think there are far to many OTHER important issues to discuss than a mother and baby space.

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