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EMA to be scrapped

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I wasn't saying they were part time. I was just claiming that full time education stops at 16.

After that the hours are not full time regardless of whether the course is classed as such - just my opinion.

I worked a 60 hour a week job to fund my Uni degree, around Uni hours and teaching practice.


Well, of course you're entitled to your opinion. But officially they are full time courses, like it or not.


It can't have been much fun for you working 60 hours a week on top of a uni course. I didn't find it any fun at all working 30 - 35 hours in my final year, hence my belief that students should be supported where possible.

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If you do a 10 hour job at the Weekend....


£5.93 and hour x 10 = £59.30 each week.


You get experience - good for a CV


YOu meet new people - good for your social life


You make a start in life - good for your future


Alternatively, you could feel sorry for yourself and blame EMA being cut for your own downfall


i was at sixth form last year, we were told NOT to work more than 6 hours a week,

i worked 8 hours a week for 2 years at primark on 4.85 an hour, i came out with around 185 a month,

£80 was took for driving lessons and i was supose to live on £100??

nope couldnt do it without EMA

EMA helped alot and i came out with a triple distinction and i am now driving me car to and from uni so yes the driving lessons were needed before anyone says anything

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and I agree too!


Belive EMA and student grants (not loans) are grossly unfair.


can i please tell you my accommodation is around £1200 each semester,

my loan is £1100

id be stuffed without the grant i have two jobs so that i can fund uni, i pay tax so how is this unfair??

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Yes. I also heard her say that her parents couldn't afford to give her money.


I think anything that helps students NOT have to work to fund their education is a good thing, and I'm speaking as someone who worked throughout my A levels and two different degrees.


Full-time education and a part-time job at the same time is tough.


But its not Full time education though is it ?

Workigng full time (42 hours per week) and raising a young family is tough.

Working full time while registered disabled is tough.

going to college or school 2/3 days a week and working at topshop at the weekend is NOT tough.

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i was at sixth form last year, we were told NOT to work more than 6 hours a week, [...]


And if you're a student at Sheffield uni you aren't supposed to work more than 16 hours a week.


There are reasons that these guidelines are in place (even if in practice they're unenforceable) - because working more than that will have a negative impact on your education.


There are some degree courses where the structure and amount of teaching hours mean that students will really struggle to work part-time (medicine, for example) - which means that people with financial support from elsewhere will have a much easier time of it.

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can i please tell you my accommodation is around £1200 each semester,

my loan is £1100

id be stuffed without the grant i have two jobs so that i can fund uni, i pay tax so how is this unfair??


ditto (re rent ,loan and work) my daughter but she does not get a grant . Thats why it is unfair.

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i was at sixth form last year, we were told NOT to work more than 6 hours a week,

i worked 8 hours a week for 2 years at primark on 4.85 an hour, i came out with around 185 a month,

£80 was took for driving lessons and i was supose to live on £100??

nope couldnt do it without EMA

EMA helped alot and i came out with a triple distinction and i am now driving me car to and from uni so yes the driving lessons were needed before anyone says anything


Is there not an alternative method of getting to uni?

walking? public transport?... because thats what I have to do to get to work... to pay taxes to fund your EMA so you get to drive ... laughable.

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its dependant on how much your family earn, now because my family may not earn as much as you i am not going to turn down money because its unfair on someone else whos parents earn more.


altough i do believe everyone should get the same my parents dont fund anything of mine so i wouldnt cope without my loan and grant so i dont no how other people do it

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