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Whereto buy power supply for kinect..


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ive just got the kinect and its got the power supply with it and ive got the older xbox360,unless they have just started putting the power supply in the box,which at £130 quid i would expect it.

Edited by slick67
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Makes sense though, Kinect is not designed to be moved around as if you move it even slightly it mucks up the calibration data (as it has to adapt to how tall people are, where the lights are, etc).


I found that out myself as I had to move it higher up for a tall friend of mine to play but now it doesn't recognise me as well as it used to and I can't be bothered to go through the KinectID calibration again. It works fine still in games though, its just Kinect ID uses your height as part of the data so moving it mucks that up.


Bottom line though, try not to move it around too much unless you enjoy recalibration.

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