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Help/advise about training a dog


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the first thing is that paper training has probably left traces of urine scent on the carpet which is attracting her back to the same place. You need to clean the area with biological washing powder or steam cleaning


Another thing is that dogs (including bitches) will scent mark their territory if they are left to look after a large area all on their own - so it's not unusual to have apparent 'house training' problems if given the run of the house when you're out. Crate training not only makes them feel safe when you're not there, but they're disinclined to soil their bed, so far less likely to use the crate to toilet


I have just cleaned my carpet with washing powder. as I was finishing off Molly strolled up gave a little lick on the cheek and then peed all over my freshly washed carpet!!!!:roll::roll::roll:

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Brude has a shower tray in the garden, which he likes kept clean. Sometimes he refuses to get into it and points his nose it, sniffing in a disgruntled fashion, then looks at me with a 'are you going to clean this?' tone - and when I have, he uses it and I have to clean it again :rolleyes:


Yes, they're adorable :P

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