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Anyone know the age limit of the opposite sex siblings to share a bedroom??


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Yes, sure you can carry on and allow your boys/girls to share a bedroom, but in the eyes of the law as you say, they should be separated.

Many people, (myself included) live in a 2 bedroomed property and have no choice but to have their kids share a bedroom.

Because there aren't enough 3 bed properties, the council, like I mentioned before, are telling parents to use living room/dining room floors as beds.

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Well i'm pregnant myself and now the midwife's are starting to home visit to see where the baby will be sleeping. I know opposite sex siblings can't share a room within a certain age limit because of the simple fact they begin to experiment and that's why they need to be seperated.

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Well i'm pregnant myself and now the midwife's are starting to home visit to see where the baby will be sleeping. I know opposite sex siblings can't share a room within a certain age limit because of the simple fact they begin to experiment and that's why they need to be seperated.


How many other kids do you have?


I have 3 kids, all under 10 and Ive never known my midwives checking out the bedrooms and showing concern over mine having to share.


You really should see the housing, because they do tend to chop and change their rules and regulations to suit themselves.

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Good luck with this cos my son is 16 and daughter 13, sharing a room and ive only just been given an appt for overcrowding, i have applied for endless properties, which they have all my details on line so they know the situation, but the 1 before last i was told i was 2nd in line to get, but didnt get , and the last 1 i bid for i was told was given to someone with priority? Erm, helloooo, im Flipping priority :rant:

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Good luck with this cos my son is 16 and daughter 13, sharing a room and ive only just been given an appt for overcrowding, i have applied for endless properties, which they have all my details on line so they know the situation, but the 1 before last i was told i was 2nd in line to get, but didnt get , and the last 1 i bid for i was told was given to someone with priority? Erm, helloooo, im Flipping priority :rant:


Totally agree!

I have friends who have kids of opposite sex sharing rooms well into their teens..........Then theres the flip side of that, as I also know people who have been given 3 beds with 2 kids same sex.


I know people who have had demolition priority and they haven't been fortunate enough to get the properties they have been bidding for.


Sheffield is overwhelmed with people who have priority, so actually having priority counts for diddly-squat now.

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I think it's wrong to be honest they need their own personal space at that age, specially when teenagers it's not fair on tham at all. Whatever room is the largest then put a dividing wall in the middle to at least give them privacy. I have no children i'm pregnant with my first but if i was to have another i'd do all i can to make them have their own privacy until i could get a bigger house. i just think that it's wrong and the stupid government should do something about it (not that they will)!!

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How many other kids do you have?


I have 3 kids, all under 10 and Ive never known my midwives checking out the bedrooms and showing concern over mine having to share.


You really should see the housing, because they do tend to chop and change their rules and regulations to suit themselves.


And it's new apparently the midwifes coming, they come when i'm 36 weeks as a home visit. I don't need to check it's happening with everyone i know who's pregnant and i trust my midwife.

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And it's new apparently the midwifes coming, they come when i'm 36 weeks as a home visit. I don't need to check it's happening with everyone i know who's pregnant and i trust my midwife.


i find that a bit odd to be honest, i gave birth only 3 n half weeks ago and have two other children, my midwife did do home visits towards the end but never wanted to see where the baby would be sleeping, she did it purely to make it easier for me in the late stages of pregnancy:huh:


if its new it must have only come in in the last 3 weeks or your midwife is just nosy lol, not trying to offend you hun, just find it kinda odd she wants to

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when i had my daughter in 2003 my midwife did a home visit to check where the baby would be sleeping but it was just for safety reasons, ie not next to a radiator, window ect


im currently expecting a boy any day now and my midwife did the same home visit. i told her that as i only have a 2 bed semi and my daughter has the small box room that my son will be in my room for the forseable future, she didnt even mention anything about them sharing a room being wrong.


we own our house but because of the decline in the market we cant move for some time as we would lose money on the sale of this house so we are going to have to wait a few years so they may end up sharing a few years down the line for a bit. there will be a 6 year age gap but im not worried about it.

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