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Talk Talk broadband in Sheffield, S20

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I decided to go with Talk Talk for my land line and broadband, land line went lve in October, broadband still waiting!!!


I call almost daily and have been given a number of promises that it will be connected, I've also been told my order has been cancelled. Every person I speak to tells me something different, but you can't get through to the same person,you simply go to the first available call handler which could be anyone in a number of countries.


I have never experienced such consistently appalling customer service. I only ever seem to get anywhere when I go through to cancel my order. Which I have finally done after the third goodwill refund, and no internet connection.


My parents had a similar issue with Talk Talk and I would definitely never recommend them to anyone.

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Yes, my mum and I both live in S20, I am with Virgin Media and very rarely have problems, in fact it's amazingly fast!


My mum, on the other hand is with Talk Talk an it's c**p. Ridiculously slow to start up and often freezes. She signed up when the Talk Talk reps were doing the rounds a few months before christmas. The deal sounded too good to be true... I think it probably was.


My advice: don't waste any more time with Talk Talk. You've got a good laptop, pay a bit more and get decent Broadband to go with it.


Unfortunately I signed up for an 18 month deal when I moved in, will just have to live with it. The pc upstairs for work is connected via ethernet cable and that works fine so at least we have that.


I had Virgin broadband via cable and that was ultra fast and you never ever lost your connection, will see how this goes and might move to Virgin via phone line - I assume you are not on Virgin broadband via firbe optic cable as s20 isn't in their cable area is it?

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Oh god. I had the TalkTalk reps round on the Bank Holiday after Xmas. Was with BT for home phone and AOL for internet. Switched, 'Live' date today. Well it said today for both, yet when I called the other day I was told phone today, BB on 22nd Jan. Phone switched over, they said BB by 12 midnight. No interupptions yet so presuming I am not Live on BB yet. Still haven't rec'd my modem etc anyway (although I could connect using current modem I suppose). Spent 59 mins on hold before they answered, told me to ring their Equipment line to find out where my router is as he couldn't put me through. Rang it several times, keeps getting transferred back to Customer Services etc etc. Rang again a few hours later (about 2hrs ago), told systems down, can I ring back tomorrow.


I have signed to the package of about £26 a month for line rental, free calls to landlines including 084 and 087 numbers (not 09 numbrs though obv.). I was paying £15 to AOL and getting £100+ bills every quarter from BT, my DD with them set at £43 a month at present although it would have come down I guess. Seems ok but hoping the service is ok! Not impressed today so far!


If your BB live date is 22 January you will receive your broadband before then - I got my router a few days before.

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Oh god. I had the TalkTalk reps round on the Bank Holiday after Xmas. !


Dont trust them!! Its nothing personal to each rep, just the company. My partner went for an interview last week for what he was told was a marketing company, at first interview he was told he'd be office based (in Sheffield city centre, where the interview was), there would be no cold calling involved and there was no comission, just a basic wage. They call him back for a second (all day interview) two days later. He turns up on the Friday, they ship him off to Rotherham (where they expected him to pay his own way - he's a jobseeker for crying out loud!), and told him to spend til 7.30pm knocking on peoples doors trying to sell them Talk Talk, they're told to tell the customer that they've recently taken over the BT lines in the area and that there should be a few changes (Not sure if this is true or not, but can't see it myself), then try and talk them into buying this crappy broadband/phoneline service. (if they were that good a company they wouldn't need door to door salesmen, would they?)


He was told he's be in an office so just went in his suit and coat (no hat, scarf or gloves) so was like an ice block when he came home. They had a debrief in the office before they let him go, and told him that there was no basic wage (which I said was illegal, surely they had to get minimum wage atleast? But apparently they're self employed!), and that he would make £30 gross per sale. He wasn't even going to get paid for the days work he did for them!!


I was absolutely disgusted, surely companies shouldn't be allowed to advertise such vacancies in that way, its misleading. And he should have at least been warned that he was to be outside all day, in the snow!!!


*Rant over* - Sorry!!

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oh god, really regretting moving now! landline went live on 13th, was told BB would (although was told 22nd or 23rd previously for BB). telephone has switched, but no sign of modem. now told my BB is live but still not rec'd router. I am still on aol as far as i know and i cant cancel that until my takltalk router arrives and i was told today that it was shipped on the 13th.

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I'm with TalkTalk... they're ok as long as you know how to fix things yourself. Various tech forums suggest it's because they use AOL's crappy old hardware and there is a problem with the supported MTU's. (MTU = maximum transmission unit, or the biggest size a lump of data can be broken into to be sent of the tinternet). I'll have to check my MTU setting but I think the max size supported by TalkTalk is 1400. Don't even bother mentioning it to their tech support as the poor chaps in India will probably melt. Send me a pm if you want me to send full info to you. Since changing to a lower MTU it has been a lot better but still glitchy as hell! They are after all the cheap and cheerful option.

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  • 1 month later...

I had big problems with Talk Talk broadband the way i sorted it out was to email the big man Charles Dunstone (dunstonec@cpw.co.uk) i had a call within 12 hrs and it was sorted within 36 hours

If you want anything doing quickly go to the top

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