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Fairmount Nursery & Hackenthorpe Hall Nursery

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Hi clarez85, they do open from 7am i think and you can take them earlier but not sure if there might be a charge, im not sure - they will tell you all that friday wont they.


good luck anyway, let me know how you get on.


Where abouts in hackenthorpe do you live?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All


My Daughter went to Hackenthorpe Hall Nursery for about 6 weeks last xmas, nothing to do with the nursery, it was my daughter.


My daughter didnt like stopping till 6pm as it was dark outside. I used to pick my daughter up around 4 pm, but after xmas i started thinking,

I didnt want to pay £22 for 3 hours as i didnt wasnt to leave her until 6 pm.

So my daughter stop going,



The times then was 8-1 or 1-6.


Now my daughter is to start nursery in january so im going to go for a visit again, as i would send my daughter back.


Hope this helps

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Grapevine on London Road - nowhere really competes with that place - the owner/manager is really on top of things, good age range of staff (not all school leavers, as many seem to be) and offers a strong educational base for the children to progress to school from...

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

I am surprised at some of the comments posted on here. They seem as if they have been posted without any thought to Fairmount or users wanting some information about nurseries in the area.


I appreciate that everyone has the right to their opinion but I think if you are going to post comments, in particular 'Fairmount having a bad reputation' then you need to substantiate this information in order for people to be able to make a decision.


Our little boy is nearly two and has been attending Fairmount - Hackenthorpe for nine months, one day a week.


We contacted & viewed a number of nurseries (which I encourage everyone to do before deciding on a nursery) and found that Fairmount was best for us due to the flexibility with days, the environment, standard of care & cost. This is not to say that it is the right nursery for every parent or child.


Our son suffered from a health condition which meant for a long period he needed that little bit of 'extra care' The staff at the nursery have always provided a loving/stimulating/educational environment for him and I have no hesitations in recommending this nursery. Until actually viewing this site, I have actually not heard about any bad reputation. Far from it, I have only heard positives.


I would urge anyone about to embark on choosing a nursery to ring around view (don't book an appointment) and also view ofsted reports.


Please, if you have any comments to make, give as much information as you can. It is not fair to post hearsay comments and then not give all the facts.

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  • 3 months later...

I am the Manager at Hackenthorpe Hall Nursery and have worked there for the past 8yrs. Ive also had experience working at Fairmount.


If you require any information regarding Hackenthorpe Hall please dont hesitate to contact me :D


* as a side note, sensible nurseries won't allow just anyone to drop in for a visit as you don't know who your letting onto the premises. And as a nursery who actively promotes the Safeguarding of children we ask that you book an appointment and bring some form of I.D. Safety of the children is paramount.

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My kids had to leave Hackenthorpe after Xmas due to my mum moving closer to me- was the best one out of the 3 nurseries they have now been in (one lasted 3 days- they let my daughter watch TV and rarely went outside!! That lasted 4 days)... more of a family feel, best value for money, flexible, big, lovely garden and fab staff and management. I wish my little uns could go back there!!

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Thats a shame you had to leave Miss S 83, can't tell who you are from on here but you will always be welcome back if you ever want too :D


I do know of a certain nursery where they watch T.V on a regular basis and thats not why you send your children to nursery is it tut tut lol.


Can't remember last time we had a T.V on at Hackenthorpe Hall (except of course for the CCTV in the office lol) but it will have been to do with a topic thats for sure.


Hope your well xx

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