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Apprentice Boys of Derry open Campsie Club in Hillsborough

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Just been looking into this a bit more and apparently The Orange Order has had a Lodge in Sheffield for well over a hundred years


Sir John E Bingham was the Deputy Master


Which is probably why 2(?) years ago there was a March of about 400 people thru Hunters Bar to Bingham memoria in Endcliffe. Don't remember all this fuss and nonsense then?

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Just been looking into this a bit more and apparently The Orange Order has had a Lodge in Sheffield for well over a hundred years


Sir John E Bingham was the Deputy Master


well that's as maybe, but it still doesn't explain why they opened a campsie club recently. I've lived in Sheffield for over thirty years and never seen a parade like I saw on Saturday.

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You don't want these people in your city? Do you know who they are? You'll find they are people, they are your everyday people who happen to believe in a religion.

they are decended from the same people who had the same religion during the irish famine,they opened soup kitchens for the starving but would only feed them and their children if they renounced their faith,the same ones who had hundreds of tons of meat and grain and other food stored in vast wharehouses,there ws no need for people to starve but it didnt matter to them as long as they had the upperhand and could use starvation to force conversion of the catholics, most were poor farm workers who's wage was so poor they relied on the patato for food,when the crop went bad it forced them into the towns and cities to look for work but only knowing farming they were at a loss and at the mercy of the kind of people who place religion higher than the human life,tell an old "paddy" to eat his soup and see the reply he gives,memories are long,just as long as the memories these people who march because some catholic was locked out of town by some lads many many years ago,the derry marches are just a reminder of one religion seeking to overpower another ,they have and will continue to have a diverse effect on any chance of the two faiths coming together

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The Apprentice Boys have as much right to be in Sheffield as any other historical society that commemorates famous battles. The association has members in England, Scotland, Ulster, Eire and further afield.


Henry Campsie was the first man to shed blood in the Defence of the city of what is now Londonderry, he was the inspiration behind the shutting of the Gates, and was severely wounded whilst leading his associates to secure the City Magazines and armoury.


British history should be remembered.


Let them march they have more patriotism in there little finger than the whole lot of you put together, they will fight and die for the British way of life which is probably more than half you lot would do.


God save the Queen and the British way of Life



See below :|




they are decended from the same people who had the same religion during the irish famine,they opened soup kitchens for the starving but would only feed them and their children if they renounced their faith,the same ones who had hundreds of tons of meat and grain and other food stored in vast wharehouses,there ws no need for people to starve but it didnt matter to them as long as they had the upperhand and could use starvation to force conversion of the catholics, most were poor farm workers who's wage was so poor they relied on the patato for food,when the crop went bad it forced them into the towns and cities to look for work but only knowing farming they were at a loss and at the mercy of the kind of people who place religion higher than the human life,tell an old "paddy" to eat his soup and see the reply he gives,memories are long,just as long as the memories these people who march because some catholic was locked out of town by some lads many many years ago,the derry marches are just a reminder of one religion seeking to overpower another ,they have and will continue to have a diverse effect on any chance of the two faiths coming together
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peoples voice and billy b,lets not forget that when this happened the derry boys were not that long established as irish,they were part of a colonising force that had been established by britain through cromwell and the king before him before the mid fifteen hundreds most people were catholic over here and in ireland,the derry boys were the new boys on the block trying to take over a well established town that had first been built by the vikings who had over the years married into the community and had turned into catholics, its nothing to do with religion,this thread is about one country taking over another and still bringing up the fight centuries later when both factions usually live and work together in harmony,its only the instigators that cause unrest in the name of history, that and them wanting a little notarioty or fame

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