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Riot police at Sheffield Park Academy.

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The problem appears to be the mix of Asian kids and the type of chav scum that frequent that area in droves. Put together the Asian kids who think its clever to decide that area's should be white 'no go' area's with chav's who have the intelligence of horse excrement and you always have a recipe for disaster.


I never quite understand this tradition of muslims wanting to live in a predominantly muslim area and Solami's wanting to live in a Somali area. Surely the idea of moving to a new country is to escape where you came from? I know if I moved to another country I'd be trying to find an area that simply contains locals so I can integrate with the community in order to escape from this hellhole formally known as Great Britain.

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When it comes to stereotyping then the mob who attacked the school, the teachers, the primary school and the litledale estate obviously stereotyped all the above with the same mindless thugs who took it upon themselves to exact revenge on the innocent pupils who had nothing to do with the original trouble. Now why not march on the town hall, parliament anywhere, just away from children. was their actions supposed to warn people that if any racist attack on one is an attack on all . Well all I can say is this is a very dangerous attitude. Do these people think that parents of the children frightened to bits are going to allow their children to be scared to go to school. No! .

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I never quite understand this tradition of muslims wanting to live in a predominantly muslim area and Solami's wanting to live in a Somali area. Surely the idea of moving to a new country is to escape where you came from?


People feel comfortable in surroundings that are familiar to them, and frankly why move to an area where the locals might be antagonistic towards you for no other reason than your skin colour or religion.


British citizens that move abroad create thriving ex pat communities where they can affiliate with similar people for lots of reasons. I guess many 1st and 2nd generation immigrants to the UK feel the same way.

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People feel comfortable in surroundings that are familiar to them, and frankly why move to an area where the locals might be antagonistic towards you for no other reason than your skin colour or religion.


British citizens that move abroad create thriving ex pat communities where they can affiliate with similar people for lots of reasons. I guess many 1st and 2nd generation immigrants to the UK feel the same way.


I agree that ex-pat's do the same, which again I don't understand. To me, the idea of emigrating to another country is to change your lifestyle to the destination country and mix with the locals. Maybe if this integration took place more often we wouldn't have the "us and them" attitude that exists so much in this country.

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I agree that ex-pat's do the same, which again I don't understand. To me, the idea of emigrating to another country is to change your lifestyle to the destination country and mix with the locals. Maybe if this integration took place more often we wouldn't have the "us and them" attitude that exists so much in this country.


Of course I would agree with that. I've personally never had a problem with any community I've chosen to live in and always derived some benefit from it, which hadn't been immediately apparent.


It may be a naive dream to assume that living longside each other is all it needs, but I genuinely believe that when different races come into contact without an agenda, they rub along just fine, finding social and cultural similarities that weren't expected.


My old granny used to say to me that we'd all be loved up like blood brothers if a load of Martians landed tommorow!

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abbeydale grange has dire results because there are so many languages being spoke there because its full of ethnics who cant speak english the LEFTIES need to open there eyes and realise how immigration on this level is no good at all

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As in caucasion English? then in my experience a definite yes.



So by Caucasian you believe that all those of this racial identity, who are born in England have issues with manners? Then you are obviously in agreement that the Asians in Darnell, as well as the white kids, have no manners??? Pakistani people, as well as indigenous white English are all Caucasian :) Or did you not know that???

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I agree with that and I'm glad someone else has noticed how Sheffield's becoming 'ghetto-ised' - it's quite depressing. But it's not just ethnic groups who seek to live with people like them, it's also white people - there are distinct 'enclaves' in Sheffield these days: 'alt' types around Nether Edge/Meersbrook; academics around Endcliffe; the chi-chi types in Dore; wealthy working class around Crystal peaks etc.


I moved to Sheffield 12 years ago and loved how segregated Sheffield is! You can live among people who share your interests, have local events reflecting those shared interests, and even drink in the pubs alongside others just like you! I find it quite refreshing - trouble does seem to erupt when people try to move out of their 'designated area', whether this is a permanent move, or just a visit!

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