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Your pregnacy? How was it for you?

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Expecting my first baby, Very nervous on my 3 mth scan due to having a miscarage with twins just 1 year before.

I always got told that I couldnt have children, I have a heart problem, So when I found out I was pregnant for the second time you can imagine how I felt.

I got to 20 weeks I had my scan, I asked what sex it is. I got told its a boy. I was living in skegness then so my nearest main hospital was Boston In lincolnshire.

When I hit the 40 week mark I could barly walk it felt baby was going to fall out of me.

I got told I will have to have a c/section due to my heart problem and on the scan baby was showing that the weight is 11lb ....:hihi:

So when I hit week 42, I had to go for a check up. They gave me a sweep (which i found hurt) Doctor said to me, I need to book you in for the c/section. He left us (me and partner) in a room, about 30 mins later a nurse came in and said why am I still here? I said I am waiting for the doctor to come back to give me a date for the section. She went and came back. Doctor has gone home, He booked you in for tomorrow morning at 8.30am at boston....great..short notice!


The morning came. Half asleep in the car on the way to Boston, on those narrow country roads..nice!

Got to the hospital about 8.05am Had to sign consent forms, take some pills. Down I went. I was having an Epidural....never had one before..(never again either) I found that was soooo painfull. Anyway I had to lay down and i couldnt stop vomiting:gag:

At 10.03am My boy was born. 17/06/2005. Toby Joseph Taylor He weighed just 7lb 11oz





10 September 2007 was my due date for my little girl. This time the pregnacy wasnt as bad as toby. I was now living in doncaster. Again I wanted to know the sex off my baby, Got told it was a girl...Which I was very happy about. Toby didnt understand why and how baby got in my tummy!

I have to say though, doctors didnt want to do a c/section on me at first because they thought I was fit enough to give birth.

Eventually in the August they decided to give me the section, beacuse there was a risk that I could have damage because of c/section with toby.

The day arrived, I was up at 6am I had to be at hospital at 7.30am.

Again had to sign consent forms ans take pills.

I was having a spinal. Which I have to agree was not as near as painfull as the Epidural I had with toby. They was giving me drugs after drugs as my blood pressure was very high after they gave me the spinal. Throughout the operation I couldnt concentrate as I was always vomiting. As soon as the baby came out off me they showed her to me. This time she took at least 30-40 seconds to give the cry as they do when they come out.

so on 10/09/2007 Keira Louise Taylor was born at 10.26am Weighed 7lb 7oz




Now here they are, grown up.



The thing is they grow up so quick these days time flys by....

I would have another baby, even though at the back of my mind i got told not to all those yrs ago. Before I think about having another one, I want toby and keira to be at school full time, As they are a bit of a handfull at the moment. Anyway, so sorry why this thread is so long. I just thought I'd share My baby storys with you....:thumbsup:

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My thread would be a mile long with 5 of the monsters - but briefly, girl Giorgia Marielouise (Jan 1996) Boy Ellis Jon Harry (March 1999) Boy Nile Davis Blue (July 2000) Girl Kennedy Rhianna (June 2007) Girl Kati Leigh-Anne (June 2008) All 3 girls were induced, 1st one due to pre-eclampsia, last 2 due to gestational diabetes. Both boys were "self-induced" with castor oil and VERY quick labours, at 1 hour 20 minutes each, from start to finish lol. Just wanted to say your babies are lovely :D Will post a pic of mine if i ever get all 5 to sit still and smile at the same time!

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Because of some health conditions, pregnancy was always a risk for me, and I'd intended to plan it. Of course, it never works that way! I had consultant care from 10 weeks onwards and had fortnightly ultrasounds (both external and transvaginal) from 14 weeks. I had a detailed anomaly scan which detected no issues, and a fetal echocardiogram (also fine). I also had to have an echocardiogram and an electrocardiograph for myself, both fine.


The pregnancy itself was uneventful until the last 2 weeks when I developed a UTI and pre-eclampsia. I was induced at 39+1 and 6 hours and 59 mins later at 9:19pm my son, James Andrew, was born on 25/06/07 at Watford General Hospital. I had second degree tearing and some grazes and lots of haemorrhaging, so Jamie was given to his Dad and I was rushed off to theatre for 2 hours for a spinal (lots of vomiting) and repair work/stopping the bleeding. I also had to have a blood transfusion the next day - never again!


He's 16 months (and 2 days!) old now and an absolute monkey! Your babies are lovely and look so cute together!

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The first part of my pregnancy was really uneventful and nice. And then at 17 weeks I found out our LO was a girl, and she had spina bifida. Every month I was at Jessops for a scan, and at every scan our doctor told us something worse about the baby. When my induction was booked we were told 'its likely your baby won't survive birth etc etc' and all I could think was why don't you do a c-section then?


My first induction was booked for August 11th.. The day came, they phoned and cancelled because the ward in the Childrens hospital the baby would be staying on was being relocated. So another induction was booked..


Went in for induction on 13th of August. baby was due on 17th. After 2 pessaries and a sweep I was told to go home and come back Sunday evening. So we went home, and had a nice day of slobbing around and enjoying what would officially be my last day being pregnant. Dr told us on Saturday when I was discharged that if baby wasn't born naturally by midday on Monday he would deliver her by c-section. After 12 hours at home, my waters broke on their own and we went back to Jessops in an ambulance because I was high risk for infection due to the opening in babies spine once my waters were broken.


Sat around for an hour or so, then contractions started.. painful lol. Was given syntocin drip which made contractions hurt far more, so got an epidural. After 19 hours of labour baby was delivered by section because her head was too soft(due to hydrocephalus, associated with SB) to make my cervix dilate fully. Only got to 9cm's lol.


So baby was born at 8.33pm on Sunday 17th of August, my due date, weighing 8lb5oz. She was transferred to Neonatal Surgical Unit at the childrens hospital and underwent 6 operations (one back closure, one shunt insertion to drain the fluid from her head, more stitches in the shunt x 2, shunt taken out, external drain put in, external drain taken out, new drain in) and was discharged on 13th of October aged 8 weeks and 3 days.


She's home now and doing well. We have a check-up at childrens tomorrow.


2 Mins old - http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y170/MissDX/Tegan%20Day%201/SDC10610.jpg

And now - http://s188.photobucket.com/albums/z10/lea8588/Tegan%202%20mos/?action=view&current=SDC11146-1.jpg

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The first part of my pregnancy was really uneventful and nice. And then at 17 weeks I found out our LO was a girl, and she had spina bifida. Every month I was at Jessops for a scan, and at every scan our doctor told us something worse about the baby. When my induction was booked we were told 'its likely your baby won't survive birth etc etc' and all I could think was why don't you do a c-section then?


My first induction was booked for August 11th.. The day came, they phoned and cancelled because the ward in the Childrens hospital the baby would be staying on was being relocated. So another induction was booked..


Went in for induction on 13th of August. baby was due on 17th. After 2 pessaries and a sweep I was told to go home and come back Sunday evening. So we went home, and had a nice day of slobbing around and enjoying what would officially be my last day being pregnant. Dr told us on Saturday when I was discharged that if baby wasn't born naturally by midday on Monday he would deliver her by c-section. After 12 hours at home, my waters broke on their own and we went back to Jessops in an ambulance because I was high risk for infection due to the opening in babies spine once my waters were broken.


Sat around for an hour or so, then contractions started.. painful lol. Was given syntocin drip which made contractions hurt far more, so got an epidural. After 19 hours of labour baby was delivered by section because her head was too soft(due to hydrocephalus, associated with SB) to make my cervix dilate fully. Only got to 9cm's lol.


So baby was born at 8.33pm on Sunday 17th of August, my due date, weighing 8lb5oz. She was transferred to Neonatal Surgical Unit at the childrens hospital and underwent 6 operations (one back closure, one shunt insertion to drain the fluid from her head, more stitches in the shunt x 2, shunt taken out, external drain put in, external drain taken out, new drain in) and was discharged on 13th of October aged 8 weeks and 3 days.


She's home now and doing well. We have a check-up at childrens tomorrow.


2 Mins old - http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y170/MissDX/Tegan%20Day%201/SDC10610.jpg

And now - http://s188.photobucket.com/albums/z10/lea8588/Tegan%202%20mos/?action=view&current=SDC11146-1.jpg


:) I am glad she is doing ok. Congratulations on your new baby and I would like to add just how strong you all are!

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I was so pleased to hear that Tegan was finally out of hospital. I was privileged enough to be kept updated on the family's experience through the last few days, and I was rooting for them all in such a big way - that little lass is a fighter, and Bobbybunny and her partner kept their sense of humour and strength throughout.

Now I'm just looking forward to meeting them all (hint, hint) :)


My first pregnancy was fairly easy, looking back - no high BP, no infections, no illnesses. Only thing is, Cosycub was huge. He popped out at 10lb 13oz, and I (at 5' nothing) resembled nothing so much as a giant beachball at the end, lmao.

In the end he had to be taken out through the sunroof, and the most traumatic thing was the last week, when they'd really wanted to get him out but had no space to book me in, so sent me home under strict orders not to go into labour (ha!).


My second, and last, pregnancy, which ended exactly 6 weeks and 5 days ago, was a bit different. At 16 weeks my triple test came back high risk for spina bifida...so high that it was practically unheard of, and when I turned up for the scan to assess the situation, the first thing the consultant said to me was that chances were my baby would be 'too grotesquely malformed to survive', and I should be prepared to make some hard decisions. To everyone's surprise, the scan showed a perfectly formed little person. I was then sent for an MRI, and again the results were excellent. I have to say that in this time I was fortunate in meeting some very strong and lovely people, both parents in a similar position, and medical staff.

They finally decided that the other reason for such a high result wasn't a problem with the baby, but an issue with the placenta, which could become ill at any time

I was then lucky enough to have regular scans monthly then fortnightly throughout the pregnancy. It was stressful waiting each time to see if everything was okay, wondering if we would make it to the baby being viable, looking to each rise in percentage chance of survival, but I also appreciated that not everyone gets to see their baby so often or have such constant reassurance that they are still live and okay.

Again, no illnesses, great BP, so I'm quite good at being preggers, lol. Wolfcub was induced at 39 weeks just to ensure no last minute placenta problems...in the nick of time, judging by the placenta which did indeed turn out to be very damaged in the end. 14 hour labour, ventouse delivery with masses of stitches and bleeding, was fine with me because my big wish (apart from a healthy baby) was to have a vaginal birth.

Wolfcub weighed exactly 4lbs less than his big brother...a tiny (for me) 6lbs 13oz - but he's made up for the lack of sustenance he got from the placenta ever since, weighing in at 11lbs 4 oz at his 6 week check.


I have no intentions of doing it all again, it's far too much excitement for me, thanks :P

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First pregnancy wasn't nice, had very sever morning sickness which lasted all day every day and resulted in being hooked up to a drip due to dehydration. I was the size of a house and gained 5 stone :o with her. BP was ok but had a fair amount of bleeding throughout. Went into labour 4 days before my due date with my waters going at 5am (I always knew I'd go into labour during the night with her). My labour lasted 37 hours and she was born at exactly 6pm on Wednesday May 6th 1998 she weighed 10lb 6.5oz. I had every drug going including an epidural but it wore off just as she came into the birth canal and they wouldn't top it up. I got a few stitches and it seemed extreme! Reise was delivered by a student Dr called Lucy who hadn't been in a delivery before and she cried and said how beautiful she was - so taken was she she forgot to tell me Reise's sex until she was 20 mins old (I don't have any pics of her as a teeny on the pc but here she is recently)


Second pregnancy was more eventful and should have been worse but felt a lot better in many ways. I started off really tearful and cried constantly, my staff didn't have a clue what to do with me. I wanted to have a nice natural home birth but my oh really wasn't keen and my midwife didn't help any with the choice so we decided to have a domino birth where I'd labour at home until close to delivery and transf to the hospital and use the birthing pool (you bring your mw with you so you have more chance of being able to use the birthing pool)

This went out of the window when I found out I had Gestational Diabetes and I was told I couldn't use the birthing pool due to having to be constantly monitored and I couldn't have a domino birth for the same reason. I was gutted but understood.

My GD got worse and I ended up on lots of insulin which I didn't mind so much cause it was helping keep the baby healthy. Although she was still showing as breech but they said she had plenty of time to turn this was an added worry. One good thing about the GD and the breech baby I had to have lots of scans :D

I went into pre-term labour at 34 weeks and had to be transfd from Jessop to Chesterfield as it was the only place with SCBU cots for the baby and we went in an ambulance with a senior midwife and the blues and twos (in case I delivered en route) they gave me some drugs and managed to stop the labour which i was glad of to be rid of the contractions that were coming every minute. Until 1 week later I went into labour again (night of the earthquake) again they stopped the labour.

At this point they said the baby wasn't going to turn and they booked my in to try to turn her when I got there they couldn't turn her as her bum was wedged in the birth canal and the dr advised me I needed a C-section. I was gutted.

My C-section was booked for Monday 17th March 2 weeks before due date however I was ill the week before and at my pre-op they said my bp was up (i still don't believe this) and they booked the community midwife to come see me the next day. She arrived and said my bp was fine (as always) but the baby's heart rate was more than 190bpm so she said to go to Jessops straight away (she even gave me £20 to get a taxi cause my husband had the bank card with him at work bless her)

Arrived at Jessops and they said baby's HR was now less than 70bpm and sent me to labour ward. They checked and she was fine but upon examination they said I was 1cm dilated which meant I needed a C-section that day (due to risk of breech delv) They said it'd be early evening for my c-section (this was about 1pm) but I then started contracting every minute again and the took me down for an emergency cs and Scarlett Rose was born at 14:34 on Friday March 14th weighing 3lbs exactly less than her sister at 7lb 6.5oz. Here's a pic of her when she was just born with daddy and mummy in the back ground. Here's big sister Reise seeing/holding her for the first time and here she is now.


Can't believe how much I've typed, sorry!

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my pregnancy was fairly uneventfull except for the fact i loved being pregnant. i had strong sickness feeling from around 8 weeks but was never sick and that stayed throughout. other than that i felt fine, not much tiredness, really healthy hair and nails, i was the kind that bloomed lol. i had a little trouble with my first 2 scans (being a larger lady they couldnt see too well) i had a third as they couldn't check my baby's face and heart and lungs on the second, they had trouble on the third so had a poke to get my LO moving then turned me on my head (gave a fright with no warning lol)this did the job fine and all was well. as the time passed i had the usual panicks and excitements that you get when you are going to be a parent for the first time. so the next few months went very well, then i was worried as i went over my due date and didnt want to have a sweep or be induced. i didnt need to worry. my waters broke at 5pm on the 7th of december 2006. i has my first contraction at 6pm and went in to jessops to be checked for infection at around 7.30pm(after a quick shower and shaving my legs lol)they then sent me home as all was fine (strange how my contractions hadnt hurt till after an examination) i was back in for midnight and 6cm dialated. i walked around as much as possible and eventually (around 4am)i got on the bed and started to have gas & air(wonderfull stuff:hihi:). i was upto 8cm when i asked for some drug's to which i was told i was too near for that so i said i wanted an epidural (my big mistake). this was wierd but the g&a helped alot. i went to sleep for a while and was rudely awoken by an examination being carried out (they were halfway through). my contrctions had slowed and so they were checking my LO's oxygen levels. they decided to give me a drug to help things along as i was still at 8cm and it was 9am. this was another mistake as the drugs made mY LO's heart rate drop really low, they gave another drug to help sort this out. slow progression and more checks lead to me becoming swolen and then they told me my LO was laying on it's side. they tried the drugs again but it was just getting worse and i was swelling more. they decided i would need a c-section at some piont. then they did another check on LO's oxygen and all of a sudden i was being rushed to the operating room. they then took 20 mins to decide how to do things as my epidural had come out, i ended up with a spinal. i was in for 50 minutes ( they told my mom it would be about half an hour at most, she was going mad lol). my son Linkon Glenn was born at 14.42 on friday the 8th of december 2006 weighing 9lb 5 1/2 oz. it was a woderfull time for me and my husband but i must admit i was in and out of consciousness all the time due to all the drugs. when i came round in the recovery bay i was shaing so much i couldn't hold Linkon on my own as i had severe shakes, my husband held Linkon as i gave him his first feed(the most amiazing feeling by the way).


the only things i would change are the actaul birth, i wish it was natural as the recovery is such a drag, i couldnt pick my Lo up all the night through so needed constant help, and my memory is very patchy of nearly the whole labour after having the epidural. i dont remember them telling me what sex he was, only that i saw for myself as they passed him to someone strait from the me to be checked, i do remember he cried strait away and at one piont i thought i heard someone say he was dead:o:cry:, i was tatally out of it and couldnt convey my panick, this was the worst part to it all and as i asked if i heard right they didnt notice my fear and nearly laughed:rant:, i have wondered if i was hearing things like in a dream since:loopy:.


so really i had a fantastic pregnancy and not so good labour. and even after all that like all the other mothers i wouldnt change one thing and am just gratefull for my amaizing and beautiful little boy:love:

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