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Anyone know a cure for acne?

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Originally posted by Cyclone

any evidence for that or is it just an urban legend?


photosensitivity (the actual term for the condition) is a very real condition which i suffered from myself whilst on a course of anti-biotics, and trust me, you don't wanna go there, be really careful whilst on any drugs with regard to sun or UV exposure.

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Originally posted by sheffield501

photosensitivity (the actual term for the condition) is a very real condition which i suffered from myself whilst on a course of anti-biotics, and trust me, you don't wanna go there, be really careful whilst on any drugs with regard to sun or UV exposure.


applies to specific classes of antibiotics, not all of them, and is only a possible side effect. Still, probably is best to avoid sunbeds as advised unless you are sure that you're not suffering from photosensitivity.

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Lots of great advice.....


All I can add is make sure your GP is helping all he/she can, if youve tried various creams then insist in being referred to a dermatologist. You must be firm about this, if you are not happy then they have to refer you its the patients charter. Especially if its making you depressed.


There are lots of people who suffer in silence dont you do that too. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TODAY AND INSIST!!!!


Its the 21st century and people should not be left to suffer with acne!!!!!


Good luck mate :P

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i used to have really really bad acne. Tried nearly all the producs in super drug and boots. doc had nothing left to offer so I was sent to a dermatologist. Forgotten the name of the drug but after a coulple of months i was near enough cured. The side effects are tourcher though... my skin used to get so dry and flakey, my lips were so dry they would crack and would bleed, my eyes were so saw and blood shot i couldnt see. and let me tell you it felt pretty depressing.. u need alot of will power to stick through it if you get the effects i got but its really worth it in the end. My confidence is back and dont even look in the mirror in the morning now. I left it too late trying to get help and now i have to put up with the scaring from all the spots so i'd take technophobe advice and make ur appointment today!

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I dunno if this works on lotas of spots but whenever i get one that pops up, an open one I mean, I turn my shower to as hot as I can stand then put that over the spot, it hurts but all the stuff comes out of it, make sure the shower is on hard setting, lots of force ..I don't know what its called

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Originally posted by komal

I dunno if this works on lotas of spots but whenever i get one that pops up, an open one I mean, I turn my shower to as hot as I can stand then put that over the spot, it hurts but all the stuff comes out of it, make sure the shower is on hard setting, lots of force ..I don't know what its called


I suppose that's similar to cauterising the wound. You could do this a lot more safely with a small bar of salt though.

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  • 9 months later...



yeah i know how people feel with bad acne on their face and backs.. i have it bad on my back and sometimes it flares up again on my face. and i know what you mean about not wanting to show it off to the world.. its a pain in the arse.. i havent been swimming with anyone i know in about 3 years now i hate going to the beach and trying to sunbathe or anything..


ill agree witth the people suggesting lots of sun... when i went to france last year in the summmer i went for two weeks and by the end of the 4th of 5th day it had nearly completly dissapeard... but i wasnt sure if that was due to the amount of time i had spent in the water while i was there... plus i was eating really healthly.. lots of salad... lots of water... lots of meat.. but at the same time i was drinking loads of wine..


for some reason when ever i seem to go out and have some alcohol it seems to clear a little too... i dont know why.. but it does... lol


thanx for akll the advice everyone the vitamin b5 and the copper and iron tablets sound like a goood try...



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I think if you take zinc with vitamin B5 then it will help it work better but you'll need to find out the dosage from somewhere. Eating healthy and drinking lots of water will help a hell of a lot as well. I never had much luck with the topical creams, antibiotics etc. - the creams dry your face out too much and the antibiotics were next to useless. When I was taking B5 it gave me more energy and just seemed to make me feel better about myself and I stopped giving a toss about what people thought and accepted I'd got it and there was nothing I could do..... next thing it buggered off anyway lol :)

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Originally posted by Cyclone

any evidence for that or is it just an urban legend?

No it's true. Not for all tablets of course, but many can lead to a nasty skin reaction to UV.

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