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Where to get allergy tests done?

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If you're concerned see your GP & he can arrange a GENUINE allergy test, which should include patch tests, saliva & blood tests. Sorry about the bold, but so called allergy/sensitivy tests offered in health shops aren't worth the paper they're written on, they're an expensive rip off. As a professional within the health & fitness industry, my partner & I have looked into this in great detail.

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Your GP will be able to refer you to a dermatologist. However, they don't always know what has triggered it - could be nuts, perfume, rubber gloves, animal fur et al. The more detail you can provide as to the likely cause would be helpful but it is trial and error and tablets are often tried as an initial treatment.

There is then a unit at NGH where more extensive tests can be done but this is the suggested path you go down starting with GP. My daughter eventually discovered that her prolonged problem had been caused by a nut content in Bombay gin!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had to go through 3 different GPs, asking to reffer me to dermatologist for the allergy test.I had it done at Hallamshire hospital, free of charge, it found no allergies. But my skin does not look or feel any better! It can flare up suddenly for no apparent reason :(

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does anybody know where I can go to see what allergies I have?


I'm off on hols soon and would like to eat plenty of fresh fish, lobster, crab ect, but I had a bad reaction to something last time I was on holiday!

If you are going to magaluf it's probably a reaction to crabs.:hihi:

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