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Hillsborough Shops Of The Past

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:DAs a young Tup I well remember the shops in Hillsborough as I was the bag carrier for my mother.She would drag me round most of them doing the weekly shop nattering for hours in everyone doing my head in,she knew everyone and they knew her,yakkerty yak boring me silly I was only 7 or 8 and they seemed a 100yrs old to me!.Her favourites were Sybil Wilmots on Owlerton Green an old shop in a row of cottages across the road from Swann Mortens,I think they lived in a house belonging to the factory where her hubby worked.My ma and her cronies spent hours kallin poking their noses into everybodys business somedays we were there that long I thought I would die there!.Another was on Penistone Rd where the Pizza place is now she had to stop going in that shop because when I was around 5 yrs old she couldn,t stop me swearing,Fn and Blinding which I had picked up from workmen at the Power Station were we lived nearby.When I was in my 20s I used to get stopped by old ladies I didn,t know they used to say"We remember you,you were a little bugger embarrasing your poor old mum!".I can.t repeat what they said I came out with but they thought it was funny.Happy Days in the 50s!.:hihi::hihi:

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Yes we did the same I went to Morley Street School and we sometimes we went down there at dinner time,But I also lived down Rudyard road so that was also our playground and we could also play down what we used to call the Dyke further down Rudyard Road and over the wall.

The hooter was BurdallsGravy Salt.


I remember going under the bridge and playing on the weir, our next door neighbor in Rudyard Road was called Mr & Mrs Littlewood, they had a Dtr called Maureen, my sister was named after her, and one of the Sons was called Stevie, the dads name was Alf who raced pigeons with my Dad in the Malin Bridge club, did you know them??????

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I remember going under the bridge and playing on the weir, our next door neighbor in Rudyard Road was called Mr & Mrs Littlewood, they had a Dtr called Maureen, my sister was named after her, and one of the Sons was called Stevie, the dads name was Alf who raced pigeons with my Dad in the Malin Bridge club, did you know them??????


Michael you wan't to look at the Memories of living on Rudyard Road and Tresswell Crescent thread.

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Does anyone remember the name of the off licence/general store which was where Winkworths now is at the bottom of Dykes Hall Road.This would be around late 60's early 70's.
By the late 1960s it was a branch of Victoria Wine. The shop had a long history; when we moved to Dykes Hall Road in 1952 it was Birkett's. Fred Birkett kept a very good wine cellar, and when he retired in c. 1956 the business was purchased by Frank Hitchman. He expanded the sales area and moved the main door to the Middlewood Road side (it used to be on the corner, up a couple of steps). Frank Hitchman sold out to Victoria Wine in c. 1966, but by the late 1970s it didn't have a big enough turnover and closed in c. 1979.


Here is a link to a 1964 photo on the picturesheffield.com site showing the shop when it was Hitchman's.

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