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Is it bad luck to buy baby things before you even get pregnant?

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Its worthwhile keeping in mind that not all thing suit babies so bulk buying is a bad idea, for example some brands of wipes, nappies and creams gave my babies terrible nappy rash. You also get more wipes and creams in your bounty packs which is a good way of trying out sample sizes to see what suits. If you've got the money i'd say start a saving account. As newborns mine didn't need much as we were given presents of everything but they are expensive little creatures now.

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I think financial planning is a brilliant idea, as you certainly need a bit of money behind you for all the equipment they need. But probably best to buy things whilst you are pregnant, because tastes change etc. That pram you so desperately want, becomes another pram just 5 months later, as a better and bigger pram has come out.


I bought items for my baby during my pregnancy, but I think it all depends on how you think you might feel, should the pregnancy not end as expected.

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Its worthwhile keeping in mind that not all thing suit babies so bulk buying is a bad idea, for example some brands of wipes, nappies and creams gave my babies terrible nappy rash. You also get more wipes and creams in your bounty packs which is a good way of trying out sample sizes to see what suits. If you've got the money i'd say start a saving account. As newborns mine didn't need much as we were given presents of everything but they are expensive little creatures now.


I bought loads of huggies baby wipes before baba was born and although he's not allergic to them they're rubbish IMO. I wish I'd waited to see which were best for him.


When Noah was born because I already had more or less everything I needed, if people wanted to buy him something I asked for nappies. He's nearly 10 weeks old and I only started buying my own nappies 2 weeks ago :)

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Thanks everyone.


Medusa, good point, not knowing whether or not I can actually conceive, knowing me, it would be painful to have the baby things around the house.


I do have a few bits and I think I will put money one one side from now on as it can be used for something else if all doesn't go to plan.


Thanks so much everyone for your advice and sharing your personal experiences.


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  • 1 year later...

hi there everyone,

Well my Hubby and i have been trying for a child for nearly 10months now. we have a spare room in our house. there is nothing we don't have for a baby from bottles to pramette and a pushchair, from nappies, to wipes,dummies, cot Moses basket, car seats etc/.... we have got it all although we are lucky that we've the spare room to put it all in. we have 4 boxes of boys and 4 boxes of girls clothes. it doesn't bother us that all the stuff is there. i look at it that its financially saving us a lot of money because i know how dear babies can be. Some people think its really bad luck. but if we can get pregnant we will when the times right by our bodies. no amount of baby stuff or lack of it will make a difference. What do you all think? (probably that im mad lol) ps. the buying just got out off hand and i ended up with everything u could possibly need. It was my idea my husband doesn't mind but he thinks its weird he doesnt see the benefits of it YET. xx:):)

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with both my pregnancies i went out straight away and bought things, brand new for the first pregnany, but unfortunatly i lost my first one so then ended up with a wardrobe full of things i couldent bear to look at them, afta i lost my baby and i came home from hospital i got the baby coat out had bought her and i cried and cried and cried for hours, i had to get rid of it, i know it sounds awfull but i couldent bear to look at them it was breaking me apart, but with my 2nz pregnancy i still did same got things as soon as i could, but maily had things given me aswell, and all was well this time, well a little scare at first but hes here, now hes a 15 month old and lifes a little bit more cheaper now hes not on baby milk lol,the saving account is the best idea so far, although i would still buy stuff knowing me lol

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i dont think that its wrong to buy baby stuff before your pregnant i think its personal choice and there are pros and cons too both pros are you save a fortune because when you finally have a baby you will have everything you need for your new arrival yes baby stuff does take up space put look at it this way if you have a baby you will need the stuff anyway so its not gonna take up anymore space it just means its gonna be sitting till its needed the only cons i can see are if you are unable to have children naturally then you have a constant reminder of what you cant have but personally if its right for you then do it i was always told by family its unlucky to buy baby stuff until your pregnant and past the first trimester but i think its just superstisions past down through generations

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  • 1 month later...

I wish I had opened a savings account for my pregnancy. It would have saved me a whole lot of money. I think I may do this if I ever plan another baby. But my daughter has everything she could possibly need. My M.I.L went out and when she did her weekly shopping she picked up packs of nappies, wipes, shampoos, baby stuff for the bath etc, and I am still getting through the bottles of shampoo :hihi:.

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