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Attack in Endcliffe Park - tonight, around 5:45

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My girlfriend has just got home from work. She walks through Endcliffe Park on the way home.


At around 5:45 this evening there was what she thinks was a homeless bloke/street drinker literally getting the **** kicked out of him by 2 blokes. Full force kicks in the face, blood everywhere.


This wasn't in some obscure corner, it was next to the entrance at Hunter's Bar roundabout.


It's a nice summer evening, people were walking home from work and she was the only one to do anything about it. Why do people not object to such things? Why do people turn a blind eye to such open violence? Why do people just not care for the welfare of another person?


I'm more than ****ed off that grown men would turn a blind eye and leave it to a 5 foot lass to do something about it.


I chased away 2 thugs beating a homeless guy last year. How can some people call themselfs true sheffielders if they're afrraid of helping their own out.

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Very horrible story but just a quick thought, did anyone actually see whether the attack was provoked at all? I'm not saying that I condone violence but maybe the "homeless/street drinking" guy did something to one of these attackers or their families.

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What did she do?


This question has been asked time and time again, Why didn't anyone help!? I feel times have changed a lot over the years from jumping to someones rescue, not sure i would stop for someone if i were alone, there again maybe i would weigh up the situation first before saying or doing anything to help.


In addition I don't think its people not willing to help, i think its more of a case of not wanting to get involved, being uncertain of hidden weapons, will they be risking their life?


Someone in my family went to help a young woman who was being raped down an alleyway, he sadly came worse off, had part of his ear bitten off and ended up in a coma for several months, and struggles with day to day life in one way or another.


You hear/read so much of this on the news innocent people getting seriously hurt or killed just because they were trying to help... as did my family member


It is a tough one... do you or don't you!?


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:thumbsup:Big up for your girlfriend mate. A very brave thing to do, sometimes though assaults are very difficult things to understand, this one was straight forward - just morons attacking some defenseless guy (and if its the homeless man I have seen many times up there....he's harmless and just waves at cars and stuff)....but as I found to my cost sometimes you have to think twice about jumping in.....:huh:


I was once out round Chesterfield (yeah...I know a dive ;) ) and this guy was beating the living crap out of his girlfriend/partner - I was a bit gung-ho back then and I dived in and sort of stuck my two penneth (and a right hook) in, thinking it was about time he picked on someone his own size....


Next thing I know......this girl turns on me and starts smashing me round the face with her shoe - stilletto by the feel of it screaming like a banshee "get your effing hands off my boyfriend".....:loopy:


Some people eh?


Anyway - give your lass a big snog and buy her some flowers or summat - brave girl :love:

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10/10 to your girlfriend Boyface for having a go; I agree it's very sad to think that grown men stood by and let this happen. Hope she's not too badly shaken by what's happened.


Me and another bloke had to intervene at Concorde sports centre one day after about a hundred people practising on the all weather pitches stood and watched an old bloke out walking his dog get beaten by some little scrote with a golfclub.

It was a disgusting display of humankind.

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I was once out round Chesterfield (yeah...I know a dive ;) ) and this guy was beating the living crap out of his girlfriend/partner - I was a bit gung-ho back then and I dived in and sort of stuck my two penneth (and a right hook) in, thinking it was about time he picked on someone his own size....


Next thing I know......this girl turns on me and starts smashing me round the face with her shoe - stilletto by the feel of it screaming like a banshee "get your effing hands off my boyfriend".....:loopy:


Some people eh?



This too happened to a couple of people i know. Its so wrong!


As my partner says "No good deed goes unpunished"

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Interesting replies. And totally what has gone through my mind. Was there reason behind it? Well done. And well done. And please just ring me next time and don't do it again. She will like, but there you go.


I'm glad she stood up for someone. But I'm a tad shaken as to what could have happened. Would people have stepped in if a girl was being attacked and not a homeless guy? Who knows.


And no, she didn't see what triggered the attack. Who knows what was behind it. I don't think that's the issue though. If I was getting the crap beat out of me in a public place I would hope to hell that people objected and intervened.


And to the person suggesting buying her flowers/chocs etc. She seems a bit too fond of that idea! Not that I mind of course. Vodka could be more the order of the day ;)


No idea how the guy is, she directed the ambulance to him. A visit from the police at some point is likely, hopefully he’s ok.

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I hope it wasn't the homesless bloke that dances to his walkman and waves at traffic :( That's his spot.

Good on your lass


Thats what I was worried about Dave....he's a decent enough chap - never hurts anyone - always used to wave to me and shout "goooo on!!" when I was staying up there and going running in Endcliffe Park.

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