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Cleaning my 5D Sensor, Should I attempt it?


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Hi, had my 5D for about a year now, there are no marks on the photos I take, but I was wondering how ofter I should clean the sensor etc? And whether I should attempt it myself or book it in to a specialist to do? I have a 20D too, so maybe it would be worth practicing on that? Does anyone know of any good tutorials on the subject?





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Check a plain-ish image carefully before you decide (photograph a blank wall or plain sky) but if there are no marks on your pictures then leave well alone.


I tend to change lenses on my 5D quite regularly - half a dozen lens changes per wedding is probably about par - and after a few months I start to notice small ill defined spots on plain areas of the image. Usually a quick 'blow' and the careful application of a very soft lens brush to the sensor surface will sort things out. So far, after well over two years, I've not had to resort to more drastic cleaning.

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I clean mine when necessary with Eclipse swabs & fluid. Usually available on ebay. Put a bit of fluid on the swab, remove lens (obviously), set shutter speed to 15 secs, click shutter, give the sensor a wipe in both directions. Never been a problem, just make sure the camera batteries won't run out while you've got the swab in there or the shutter will flip down.

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I clean mine when necessary with Eclipse swabs & fluid. Usually available on ebay. Put a bit of fluid on the swab, remove lens (obviously), set shutter speed to 15 secs, click shutter, give the sensor a wipe in both directions. Never been a problem, just make sure the camera batteries won't run out while you've got the swab in there or the shutter will flip down.
Don't believe in reading the manual then?:P

There's a 'cleaning sensor' setting in Menu choices.

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