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Metal detecting in Sheffield area- megathread


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Dont go to any parks. I got my lad one a couple of years ago, we went to a local park and the beeper went off just as a ranger came up beside us, to tell us we could'nt do that there. My boy dug a pound coin out of the ground and the ranger told him to hand it over as it was council property :( How bad it that. I kid you not, it happened.

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Lol at previous, seriously no public park, historical sites or golf courses cos they cant be having random holes dug everywhere. Farmland just so long as you have landowners permission. There is an old bottle dump bottom of Robin brook lane couple of fields down the footpath that leads to ridgeway. Used to find big old keys and sometimes complete bottles down there. Not sure who belongs to now cos farmer died years ago and his house is now flats. Its just at the side of footpath so as long as you replace divots dont suppose anyone would mind. X

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depends where abouts you live in sheffield ! realy you need 2 find an old village with a church and ask the land owner / farmer for permission 2 detect on their land ,or even better 2 join a detecting club as they usualy have club outings at various sites where you should find various items

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