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God Of ALL The Universe?

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Heaven? So we go there and are reunited with our loved ones?


What if your mum died at 21 years old but you carried on to be 95 before you died, then you both reunited in heaven? What if your wife, who died at 30, was patiently waiting for you in heaven while you re-married, had kids and didn't get to heaven till you were a hundred?


Or does it happen, as a muslim once told me, that everybody is 27 years old in heaven? How would a mother entering heaven recognise the personality of a 27 year old in a baby who had died at 6 months old?


Doh! Talk about codswallop.

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Look, I know this might sound daft but I have a question for the religious among us.


They say that god created the universe, the entire universe, right?

Science tells us that our galaxy holds tens of billions of stars, and the local group of galaxys holds thousands of galaxys- each containing tens of billions of stars.


The universe that we know of, holds tens of billions of galaxys each holding- yes, you guessed it, tens of billions of stars.


Statistically, even if only 1 percent of these billions and billions of stars are capable of supporting a planet that is capable of supporting intelligent life, either in the past, now, or in the future, then thats still billions of worlds, so did god send his only son down to them, to walk/crawl/swim/ fly/wobble/ooze and so on ?


Is there even as we read this tripe, a world out there, populated by lets say, intelligent lichen that has among them, the son of god? Was he budded from his mother without the aid of a "Male" lichen ? Will he be nailed to a couple of planks of wood by whatever lichen species that rules at that time?


Will we, when we go to heaven, see multi-eyed, muliti tentacled creatures with little white wings playing harps sitting on the next cloud to us?

Is there one heaven? Or does each species in the universe have its own heaven?


Is there a devil lichen? A little blob of lichen with little horns on its.... bud...?


I KNOW it sounds like a daft question, but if there are other intelligent life forms out there- an lets face it, there HAS to be, theres no way would an entire universe be created for one species thats not likely to make it for more than a couple of hundred thousand years before we wipe ourselves out, and god cant think we`re so special that only WE have immortal souls.


So, whats the deal? Any theories?


By the way, if you dont reply to this thread, Ill have some little grey friends of mine abduct you in the night and probe your botty with a cheese grater.



Grim Creeper





Join Date: Apr 2006

Location: Slouching Towards Bethlehem To Be born.

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( Look, I know this might sound daft ) You don't know how daft


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Grim Creeper





Join Date: Apr 2006

Location: Slouching Towards Bethlehem To Be born.

Posts: 15,496

Status: Offline


( Look, I know this might sound daft ) You don't know how daft



Well thats YOU getting your botty probed tonight by a bunch of little grey devils!

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That says so much about you if you're an admirer of Dawkins....




Well I'd like to think it says I'm fairly well read and take an interest in different folks' view of the world - particularly as there was a Dawkins/Gould spat thang going on. Was that what you meant, or was there something else, perhaps a little prejudicial in your comment?

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Brilliant book -when you've finished try some Richard Dawkins - The Blind Watcmaker is pretty good


I have read and largely enjoyed the God Delusion. I've heard a few recommendations for the blind watchmaker and selfish gene so I'll try to get onto them at some point!


That says so much about you if you're an admirer of Dawkins....




Are you familiar with any of Dawkin's work that isn't concerned with rationalising religion out of existence? For many years before he started on that track (which I happen to support, but can see how it gets up people's noses too) he wrote a number of works on evolutionary theory.


Although I haven't read these they have a high reputation and I am familiar with the arguments that he raised, many of which were original, controversial and began healthy debate that continues today. He was also responsible for formalising the notion that cultural 'memes' may be transmitted in a manner analogous to genetic inheritance - a topic that has generated a good deal of interest since its proposal, and which I personally consider to ring true (albeit not as a perfect analogy).


Just to point out really that it is possible to be an admirer of Dawkin's intellectual works without necessarily subscribing to or condoning his occasional vitriol (for the record, I think it's rationally justifiable but antisocial and perhaps counterproductive).

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If God made us in his **physical** image, then how come we exist as tall & skinny, short & fat, range of designer colours, etc?

He made us spiritually like him, able to perceive good and evil and choose.

I don't think being a bunch of aggressive mean b----ards will make a good society, even for 44 legged creatures on a methane planet with surface gravity of 20 G.

So all intelligent creatures will be in God's spiritual image.

(BTW, I *have* read LNiven's "Man-Kzin wars")

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Heaven? So we go there and are reunited with our loved ones?


What if your mum died at 21 years old but you carried on to be 95 before you died, then you both reunited in heaven? What if your wife, who died at 30, was patiently waiting for you in heaven while you re-married, had kids and didn't get to heaven till you were a hundred?


Or does it happen, as a muslim once told me, that everybody is 27 years old in heaven? How would a mother entering heaven recognise the personality of a 27 year old in a baby who had died at 6 months old?


Doh! Talk about codswallop.


Very good points, and what if you lose your arm to gangreen in this life, do you get reaquainted with it in heaven? The whole concept makes no sense.

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These are typical responses from people who see life in black & white. there is more to life than what can be seen, is it not fair to say?


It's a shame that so many people are mesmorised by modern scientific reports that thet can't completely think independantly. Conventional science is a bit of a mental trap IMO.

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These are typical responses from people who see life in black & white. there is more to life than what can be seen, is it not fair to say?


It's a shame that so many people are mesmorised by modern scientific reports that thet can't completely think independantly. Conventional science is a bit of a mental trap IMO.


Well done avioding the question completly. In response to the OP, would heaven be full of aliens who have lived a moral according to their planet or according the Bible?

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I believe the idea is that God is inside every one of us, therefore we were created in the image of God, because he is everything, he is infinate and omnipitent, like the universe, there are no limits, so that must mean he is the universe.


That's an impressively logical thought process you have going on there Olec - it's a pity your algorithm lacks the required variables to arrive at the correct answer! :hihi:

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