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Tony Blair

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As an American, I am very disappointed that PM Blair sided with our appointed President W. Bush. The Republicans have a conspiracy to deny us health care while the U.K. has health care for all their citizens, while our "leaders" had rather be imperialist. I was shocked that PM Blair, a man with a vision for the U.K. would unite with our sub par president for the purpose of removing a head of state without UN approval. I hope the U.K. voters return Tony Blair to office if he has learned from his mistake dealing with W Bush. We in the USA are not as great as we say. I'm not saying we don't have value as Americans, but conning Tony Blair--what happened?


Thomas Sheffield

Tupelo (USA) MS

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Maroon Man please get your country to offer him a job then we are rid of him. There are moves a foot here to oust him as Labour Leader. I'll give him 12 months maximum.


The next leader of the Labour Party????? Sheffield's very own David Blunkett...watch this space. I am not a member of the LP by the way just my opinion.:D

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Don't like tony. Clair Short summed him up, basically he wants to leave a legacy behind and its this blinding arrogance that has made him unpopular...as far as his arse licking goes with the Yanks it makes one wonder what the hell have the Yanks got on Britain ???!!!

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Maroon Man I do not share your opinions on the war in Iraq - nor do I trust the man that conned his way into office in the U.S


As for UN approval - the U.K rarely follows any other countries aproval and does what it believes is right in the circumstances.


Tony will go shortly - you don't need to be a tarot reader to see that one coming :D



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Originally posted by XADRIAN

...as far as his arse licking goes with the Yanks it makes one wonder what the hell have the Yanks got on Britain ???!!!

Err... the World's most powerful army and trillions of dollars in funding, trade agreements and 101 other things...

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MaroonMan I couldn't care less who Blair sides with as long as its right to do so. That's a problem I think many people have, they'd uphold their ideological principles even if it meant not doing what was right.


Of course then you can have a discussion about what is right and wrong but on Iraq I think it's pretty clear-cut.

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