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Originally posted by vidster

Did you not notice the the attempt to add humour with the smiley?.


Do you also not know the correct reason for having a horn on a car in the first place?. It is'nt to beep at cyclists that is a cert.


if a cyclist is doing something dangerous then the horn is their to announce the cars presence and allow the cyclist the chance not to be crushed.


Sounds like the bmw driver was completely in the right here and the cyclist shouldn't be on the road if he/she can't obey traffic signals.

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in my experience cyclists do not know the basic highway code and are selfish (and I'm not a driver)


this illustrates it well. In a car at a junction going to turn left. A cyclists comes up from behind and goes past on the inside and stops next to the car. He then advises the driver that they better not *&*&& turn left across him in a very haughty arrogant manner.


cyclists also need to learn that they cannot cycle on the pavement....

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Cyclist's sometimes need to ride on the pavement, like when drivers forget they are not supposed to drive any closer than 1meter away from the edge of the pavement. Or when a driver decides he/she is going to overtake the cyclist while turning left, or when drivers decide they are going to turn a single lane road into a double lane road when nearing a junction.


I agree that if a cyclist tries to go past a car that is indicating to turn left or in a left turn only junction, they are in the wrong and obviously run the risk of getting run over.


As for there not being enough room on our roads for pushbikes...:loopy:


Yes the horn is there to announce a car's presence but not to tell the cyclist that he has broken the law by going through 2 red lights!


Fair enough the cyclist is in the wrong but if he should'nt be on the road for going through red lights then there are 100's of drivers each week that should be banned for doing the same thing!.

I will take just one junction as an example: At the bottom of Manor Lane where it meets City Rd there are drivers that wait 3 or 4 mins for the lights to change and then they only stay green for a few seconds. Every day there are loads of drivers that carry on through the lights even though they have changed to red?.

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Originally posted by vidster

Cyclist's sometimes need to ride on the pavement, like when drivers forget they are not supposed to drive any closer than 1meter away from the edge of the pavement.


That's a new one on me vidster, where does it say that?


And no, I'm not having a pop at you, just curious for my own sake.:thumbsup:

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Originally posted by markham

That's a new one on me vidster, where does it say that?


And no, I'm not having a pop at you, just curious for my own sake.:thumbsup:


I don't have a highway code anymore markham. In fact i have'nt had one for about 10 years because thats the last time i drove a car!.

I am sure i did read that drivers are not supposed to drive closer than 1 meter though.

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Thanks for reply vidster, I'm thinking it might be - 'passing no less than a metre away from cyclists' - but might be wrong.


Can't help thinking though that keeping a metre away from the kerb in most parts of Sheffield would put us on the white line.

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Originally posted by vidster

I don't have a highway code anymore markham. In fact i have'nt had one for about 10 years because thats the last time i drove a car!.


The Highway Code applies to all road users, not just car drivers. As a responsible cyclist you should have knowledge of its contents.

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Originally posted by foo_fighter

The Highway Code applies to all road users, not just car drivers. As a responsible cyclist you should have knowledge of its contents.


Well thank-you for slapping my wrists teacher but i SERIOUSLY doubt every road user buys a copy of the updated highway code every year!

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