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Sheffield CB shops - Are there any?


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Im after a replacement CB antenna, but IXL up from the barracks, shut down after the old owner sadly passed on. .

Does anyone know of any alternate shops that might sell what im after.


I could do with a similar antenna to the one on the following website, its called a bazooka.




I've tried contacting the pair that own that site, but they both red button potential customers that call em. .


Cheers in advance for any advice. .



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The one on langset road was called IXL and thats closed down and sadly, I've tried bardies and they only do car antenna+mag mounts and don't do home-based rig antenna's and they dunno anyone that still sells em in sheff, but thanks for the suggestions..


Any more ideas apriciated. .

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May i suggest giving these a try....




Knights cb are in a place called Kirton Lindsey.....out near Gainsborough.....they have massive stock's on all sorts of comminication equipment.....incliuding cb stuff.


Bought plenty of items through their online shopping service....and never been let down !!




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I dunno. . . I found me old CB radio and haven't got the old antenna I had. .


Yeah, when I used to use it, I met quite a few "locals" and a quite a few charicters too. . some of which i'm still in contact with 6 years down the line. .

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