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About KL SNA

  • Birthday January 1

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  • Occupation
    South Yorkshire Police

KL SNA's Achievements


Rookie (2/14)



  1. All Please be aware we have seen an increase in car crime (theft from cars) in the Shalesmoor, Broomhill and Broomhall areas recently. Recently thieves have been watching people leave their car doors open/unlocked as they obtain their tickets for parking and then having bags/laptops etc away, particularly around Shalesmoor. Please lock your cars even if you are a short distance away. Around Broomhill and Broomhall, most thefts result from property being left on display making it easier for thieves. It sounds obvious but don't leave any items on display - opportunists will not think twice to break in, even for odd bits of loose change these days or lower value items. We have on-going work with some known criminals either recently out of prison or free from curfews and are looking to put them back inside. Many thanks Inspector Darren Starkey
  2. Please be aware we are seeing an increase again in burglary particularly in high multi occupancy houses occupied mainly by students. Main areas being targeted presently are Highfields, Sharrow and Crookes/Crookesmoor. Most of these are preventable as doors are being left unlocked making it too easy for burglars to enter unchallenged and help themselves to high value goods such as laptops, mobile phones, ipads/tablets etc. A lot of these devices contain personal information that could be used in identity theft or fraud, making life even more difficult. Reminder - you can register your property free at http://www.immobilise.com and download free laptop tracking at preyproject.com. You can also download free tracking software for iphones/smartphones through your phone provider. Many thanks Inspector Darren Starkey
  3. As an addition to the Eurolocks and recent burglaries that have been committed, we have seen a number of boilers being ripped out and stolen across the city. Often extensive danage is caused in doing so. We are short on info as to who is stealing them and who is receiving stolen boilers. If anyone has any such info please contact us via 101 or Crimestoppers 0800 555 111. Or if it is a crime in progress ring 999. Thanks Inspector Darren Starkey
  4. All There is another thread running with queries about the Eurolocks, here is the advice from SYP crime reduction officers in relation to them..... Euro-cylinder Lock ‘snapping’ advice.... Euro-cylinder locks are present on the majority of UPVC doors South Yorkshire Police are aware that some offenders have developed a method of overcoming them to then gain access into a home. We have worked with ACPO Secured by Design and trade authorities such as the British Standards Institute to positively address this matter. Other organisations such as the Door & Hardware Federation, the Master Locksmiths Association in developing solutions to this matter. There are now two nationally recognised standards for euro-cylinder locks – TS 007 and the Sold Secure Diamond Standard. Locks achieving either of these two standards have been tested to a higher level and in the same way that an offender may test them in reality. TS 007 is accompanied by a star rating system and cylinders can either achieve a 1 or 3 star rating, 3 stars providing the higher level of protection. Door handles are also tested to TS 007 standards and can achieve a 2 star rating. Therefore, fitting a 3 star cylinder and a 2 star handle enables the maximum level of security provided by the TS 007 testing process (5 stars). The minimum level of security you should look to achieve is 3 stars, which could either be done by fitting a 3 star cylinder on its own or by fitting a 1 star cylinder in combination with a 2 star handle. A 3 star cylinder is the preferred option given it provides the maximum level of security for a lock under the TS 007 testing process. Top 5 tips: 1. Look to upgrade your euro-cylinder locks if they have not achieved a 3 star rating under the TS 007 testing process or the Sold Secure Diamond Standard 2. Enhanced security handles achieving a 2 star rating under TS 007 should also be considered 3. Euro-cylinder locks can be changed by yourself, but you will need to measure them properly to ensure they are the right size for your door. They should not be fitted so that they are left protruding from the door unit or handle. There are many references that can be found online with a short demonstrations of how to remove, measure, and refit these types of locks. 4. If you are going to ask some one to upgrade your locks for you consider using the Master Locksmiths Association http://www.locksmiths.co.uk/, accredited locksmith or a target-hardening organisation such as Sheffield Stay Put Handy Persons Service http://www.yorkshirehousing.co.uk/home-improvement/sheffield. Obtain 3 quotes for the fitting of new locks to the standards referenced above and pick the one that best suits your circumstances 5. You may also be able to fit a safety T-Bar. The Safe T Bar is a security device designed specifically for UPVC doors. It has the same purpose as conventional door safety chains - allowing the occupant to see the person wishing to enter the home before fully opening the door. Like wise Sash Jammers offer quick and convenient additional security to windows and doors in your home. Non-handed and works on any door or window, open in or open out. They can be fitted on UPVC or timber and offer greater security enhancement to often-weak areas like French doors. However, checks must be made with the supplier so that fitting additional locks do not invalidate any warranty on your door or windows. Thanks Inspector Darren Starkey
  5. All Our crime reduction officer has asked for the following info to be posted which may help....and adds to existing posts. Euro-cylinder Lock ‘snapping’ advice..... Euro-cylinder locks are present on the majority of UPVC doors South Yorkshire Police are aware that some offenders have developed a method of overcoming them to then gain access into a home. We have worked with ACPO Secured by Design and trade authorities such as the British Standards Institute to positively address this matter. Other organisations such as the Door & Hardware Federation, the Master Locksmiths Association in developing solutions to this matter. There are now two nationally recognised standards for euro-cylinder locks – TS 007 and the Sold Secure Diamond Standard. Locks achieving either of these two standards have been tested to a higher level and in the same way that an offender may test them in reality. TS 007 is accompanied by a star rating system and cylinders can either achieve a 1 or 3 star rating, 3 stars providing the higher level of protection. Door handles are also tested to TS 007 standards and can achieve a 2 star rating. Therefore, fitting a 3 star cylinder and a 2 star handle enables the maximum level of security provided by the TS 007 testing process (5 stars). The minimum level of security you should look to achieve is 3 stars, which could either be done by fitting a 3 star cylinder on its own or by fitting a 1 star cylinder in combination with a 2 star handle. A 3 star cylinder is the preferred option given it provides the maximum level of security for a lock under the TS 007 testing process. Top 5 tips: 1. Look to upgrade your euro-cylinder locks if they have not achieved a 3 star rating under the TS 007 testing process or the Sold Secure Diamond Standard 2. Enhanced security handles achieving a 2 star rating under TS 007 should also be considered 3. Euro-cylinder locks can be changed by yourself, but you will need to measure them properly to ensure they are the right size for your door. They should not be fitted so that they are left protruding from the door unit or handle. There are many references that can be found online with a short demonstrations of how to remove, measure, and refit these types of locks. 4. If you are going to ask some one to upgrade your locks for you consider using the Master Locksmiths Association http://www.locksmiths.co.uk/, accredited locksmith or a target-hardening organisation such as Sheffield Stay Put Handy Persons Service http://www.yorkshirehousing.co.uk/home-improvement/sheffield. Obtain 3 quotes for the fitting of new locks to the standards referenced above and pick the one that best suits your circumstances 5. You may also be able to fit a safety T-Bar. The Safe T Bar is a security device designed specifically for UPVC doors. It has the same purpose as conventional door safety chains - allowing the occupant to see the person wishing to enter the home before fully opening the door. Like wise Sash Jammers offer quick and convenient additional security to windows and doors in your home. Non-handed and works on any door or window, open in or open out. They can be fitted on UPVC or timber and offer greater security enhancement to often-weak areas like French doors. However, checks must be made with the supplier so that fitting additional locks do not invalidate any warranty on your door or windows. Thanks Inspector Darren Starkey
  6. Further info to be aware of....... 3 phones were stolen from lone victims in the early hours in the city centre today. The offenders M.O. is to approach, give a so called friendly hug to "cajole and befriend" the victim and then dip the phone, usually from their pockets. Please be aware of this in the city centre during the night time economy with the weekend coming up. Annoyingly, we have had at least one person falsely reporting being subjected to robbed of their phones in the street, who are currently subject to wasting police time processes. This is detrimental to real victims of crime and also diverts police officers wasting effort on false reports/investigations. The male caught last week stealing a phone, by the member of the public, was charged with another 2 similar offences and remanded in custody. Thanks Inspector Darren Starkey
  7. Over the weekend we have seen further thefts with phones being carelessly left on open view. Officers visited 31 cafes yesterday and saw over 100 phones and other items on open display inviting thieves - officers advised people of the risk of having items stolen. On Friday, an eagle eyed member of the public caught a thief in action in the city centre stealing a phone from a female. The phone was recovered and the offender quickly arrested by plain clothes officers from the team. A massive thanks go to the member of the public whose actions led to the arrest and recovery of the phone. Thanks Inspector Darren Starkey
  8. A man is in police custody having been arrested on suspicion of theft of a mobile phone from a male victim on Eldon Street, City Centre in the early hours of today. For info the Students Union on Western Bank was targeted night before last - at least 5 phones stolen from people in there from bags etc. On-going investigations into the male arrested and the crimes from the Students Union. Thanks Inspector Darren Starkey
  9. Hi The stats are based upon the number of crimes recorded per 1000 people in certain places where we have had high numbers of mobile phone thefts e.g. 250 per 1000. That gives the risk of becoming a victim of this type of theft. Main issue is I want to warn people to be on their guard against the thieves and to report anyone that may be involved etc as we have seen increases this last week compared to previous weeks. Thanks Inspector Darren Starkey
  10. All Be aware mobile phone thieves are targeting cafes and bars during the day time this week in the city centre and as far down as London Road and up to Broomhill now. We have seen an increase this last week particularly since the students have returned to Sheffield. Thieves are distracting customers with leaflets and menus in order to steal mobile phones from tables. Please phones safe and out of obvious view. Anyone looking/acting suspicious or who doesn't seem right with leaflets or menus, ring 999 so we can get officers there as soon as possible. The thieves will visit different premises and may have a number of stolen phones with them. Likewise on a weekend, a high number are being stolen from clubs and pubs in the city centre - in some places on West Street you have a 1 in 4 chance of having it stolen! There are free GPS tracking apps for iphones and smartphones that you can download as well as register it for free on immobilise.com We have officers working in plain clothes during the day and weekend nights as part of a policing operation. Many thanks Inspector Darren Starkey
  11. Update as some concern has been raised.... the incident involved one member of the public with what are believed to be self inflicted injuries and they were taken to hospital and remain in a serious condition. There is no suggestion of anyone using crossbows or any other weapons on anyone else or were intending to. Many thanks Inspector Darren Starkey
  12. Update... just to confirm that no-one has been shot. Police are investigating an incident in that locality believed to be between parties known to each other at this stage. Thanks Inspector Darren Starkey
  13. From around 9.30am to 3pm today, staff from the Central Safer Neighbourhood Team will be with the Fire Service, the AA and Stayput in Tesco Car Park at Infirmary Road. They will be offering home safety and security advice along with the opportunity to have your car number plates fitted (for £1) with security screws to reduce the risk of them being stolen and used on cars to commit other crimes. Thanks Inspector Darren Starkey
  14. medusa I have posted on the other thread relating to Langsett Road and it is the same offenders. Two males both arrested, charged and remanded in custody. Thanks Inspector Darren Starkey
  15. Update... Two males aged 20 and 21yrs old were arrested in connection with this crime and another robbery committed shortly afterwards. Both have been charged with robbery and attempt robbery and remanded in custody. Thanks Inspector Darren Starkey
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