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Everything posted by kanga

  1. Merchant Gourmet do Giant Couscous, which I think is the same thing? http://www.merchant-gourmet.com/products/cereals-grains/giant-couscous/ I got some in Sainsburys but I'm sure I've seen it in Waitrose too.
  2. I assume it was the same girl who stopped me by the Royal Hallamshire today. It's the second time she's asked me, next time I might suggest she thinks about getting a new car...
  3. The website lists the prices http://www.q-park.co.uk/tabid/1291/qparkParkingLocatorvw3377/parkingDetail/ParkingID/1601/language/en-US/Default.aspx
  4. My friends got married there a few years ago. I believe the vicar had to organise a certificate signed by the Archbishop to give permission to get married there as it was an abbey, and I think it's in St Chad's Parish, although could be completely wrong! Hope you have a lovely day wherever you decide to go
  5. Thanks for your replies. I guess my best bet may be to just take a trip to Harrisons to see what they recommend as I don't want to end up buying something online that's not going to be any good. Thanks again.
  6. Probably a very stupid question, but thought I'd ask anyway just to make sure! I'm after a flash card for a camera I've borrowed (Fuji Finepix S602Z), on the door of the camera it says "CF Type II" so would this card from Amazon be okay?? http://www.amazon.co.uk/SANDISK-ULTRA-II-4GB-CARD/dp/B0007QU6ZQ/ref=pd_bxgy_ce_img_b Thank you!
  7. The traffic is moving on there but very slowly, a load of the snow has either compacted down or turned to slush, either way it's not very nice. It was quite busy so it might be worth leaving it a little bit longer if you can. I gave up once the bus had finally reached the bottom of Meadowhead, got off at Woodseats Library and walked back home!
  8. I bought some in Sainsburys (Archer Rd) around Christmas. It took me a while to find it but it's with the cream etc, in a tub with pale blue on it I think.
  9. And official website too http://www.pineapplethief.com/
  10. I can't go to this one so can't help, but hope you manage to get there. I'll just have to wait for the next time they come up north
  11. Morning I was just wondering if you'd found anywhere to stay yet. I'm off there at the end of November too but just for a couple of nights. I'm starting to get a bit dizzy from looking at all the hotels / apartments, though I think an apartment may be the best option at the moment. Looking forward to it but I'd like to get the accomodation sorted now, and then I can concentrate on important things like how many thermal layers we'll need...!
  12. Thanks for this, will give it a go when I have a load of plums!
  13. I keep coming to nosey at this thread as I've got into the habit of making foodie Christmas presents each year since buying my house. I'd love the plum and mulled wine jam recipe if you wouldn't mind sharing it please? I made some of Nigella's cinder toffee last year although made the mistake of banging the banging tray which then knocked all of the air out of the toffee - oops! I obviously didn't feel that I should pass out such a substandard looking attempt so had to keep it all for myself... what pains I go to for my friends and family
  14. Abbott's Cookshop on Abbeydale Road hire the number shaped cake tins although I don't know if they hire plain cake tins. The link's below if you want to give them a call and find out. http://www.abbottscookshop.co.uk/index.html
  15. I think it's just been put on hold for a few weeks while Big Brother is on
  16. Thanks for that. I actually went last week to try it out and really enjoyed it, just hadn't had a chance to say so yet! Our food was lovely and really reasonably priced, we were too full for desserts so I can't comment on them but we had a really good evening
  17. That'd be another option as I've not been there either, but I fancied the idea of Toscana with it being smaller. Having said that, I'm not sure just how small it is, so it might end up not being an option anyway!
  18. I got a BT Vision box with my broadband. Yes, that's right - you only pay a subscription fee if you want a particular package of channels. When you phone to order it / set it up, they sort out bank details so that if you buy anything on the "On Demand" channels (films, tv shows, music videos etc) they charge you as and when. At the moment I just have the freeview channels and don't pay anything. I haven't actually used any of the on demand things yet, but use the TV replay to catch up on BBC shows I might have missed through the week. I think I saw a thread somewhere on here about BT Vision a little while ago if you wanted other opinions. Personally, I like it but I seem to recall there were some people who weren't as keen. They have a set up fee, but it's easy to set it up yourself without paying for someone to come and do it. There was also a connection fee that is listed in the information but I know a few people who have Vision and none of us have been charged for that either. Anyway, if you've not seen it, there's a website with more information if that helps http://www.btvision.bt.com/vision/index.htm I never thought I'd be answering a question on the techie bit, I'm much more likely to be asking them...!
  19. Hi I was just wondering if anyone had been to this restaurant and what they thought about it please. I'm trying to decide where to go for my birthday and happened to pass this place yesterday. Alternatively, if anyone has any other ideas that would be great! There could potentially be about 20 of us and other places I've been considering are BBs or Strada. Thanks very much.
  20. I walked past yesterday and it looked open.
  21. I *think* it might be L'Incontro but I don't go that way very often so can't be certain
  22. I bought tickets the other day from Jacks for a different gig and the Academy have set their own booking fees - I think it was £1.50 per ticket. Still, a lot better than the websites were charging!
  23. The University has a page dedicated to the residences strategy, and there's a construction timescale on that although it doesn't show specific dates. http://www.shef.ac.uk/newresidences/aboutthestrategy.html I'd quite like to see the demolition too, I took part in a sponsored abseil down the side of Sorby a few months ago to raise money for a couple of the Uni's chosen charities. It was probably a good job I'd not seen the building before I agreed to take part!
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