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Everything posted by 1ofTheseDays

  1. I love how the top rated "ethical" lender is Ecology BS mortgages
  2. I didn't say call me a speedophile and see what happens. Definition of threat here: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/threat
  3. Its not a sacred cow, laugh about anything you want for me, its the hypocricy that gets me.
  4. Some of the modern day lefties, like the ones who run the BBC make me laugh, they despise Jim Davidson and Bernard Manning ect, but somehow its ok for David Walliams to make a joke about incontinence, something that Bernard Manning would never dream of doing. Its because David Walliams and BBC producers are all part of the Kensington/ Nottinghill set, so its okey-dokey
  5. Call someone a speedophile to their face spindrift and see what happens.
  6. Are you pulling your pud when your "adding to the dabate" by calling people speedophiles?
  7. It tells me that the New Labour shower got it ALL wrong. Half a million Poles coming here for work while the government paid British people stay at home absolute madness.
  8. Im talking about the election of 100 days ago...Hague and Duncan Smith are now in government after an election where immigration was an issue (remember Gillian Duffy in Rochdale?). So i repeat, the people have now spoken on immigration have they not??
  9. Hey im no legal eagle, but im just saying, a fine with a photograph as proof has got to be better than clamping thats all.
  10. This has probably already been said, but taking a digital photograph of the illegaly parked vehicle, sending it to the police, then the police sending the offending parker a fine is much better than clamping.
  11. The tax burden over the past 10/15 years has increased sharply, and thats with immigration increasing sharply at the same time; but according to you we have immigrants to thank for our supposedly low taxes??
  12. Hague and Duncan Smith are in government NOW arn't they? so the people have spoken on immigration yes?
  13. Might be a bit old fashioned this but some things never change, there realy are still "reds under our beds" that need exposing. And as for Islam, Muslims have been trying to take over Europe for Islam for centuries. But today, the Islamic invasion is being carried out with immigration, rather than sieges, scimitars, and cannons. And you Halibut, are whats known as a "useful idiot".
  14. This country would be a great place if there were more people like Frank Field, a Labour man, but without the communism.
  15. You say "even with spellchecker available", but you have to have ieSpell installed on your computer for it, which i for one can't be bothered to do.
  16. Amen to that. The once great, independent British police force, once the envy of the world, had sadly become storm troopers for new Labour.
  17. Wildcat is a keybord warrior for the UAF, which is a Socialist Workers Party front. SWP are marxist/Trotskyitr communists who oppose democracy and free speech, and seek world revolution that would destroy everyone's lives. He supports them against the BNP who seek to defend our way of life against Communism and Islam.
  18. Yes you can...or you could, not sure if thats changed Yes they do. Being pro-immigration is easier when your in denial of certern facts.
  19. How many east Europeans, like Poles for instance, are claiming child tax credits for their kids that are ensconced in Krakow? And how many leave within a year to get all their tax back?
  20. Lets hope that the Sheffield accent doesn't start disapearing due to immigration like the London east end cockney accent, sadly, apears to doing In London, Cockney will be replaced by Multicultural London English - a mixture of Cockney, Bangladeshi and West Indian accents - the study shows. "It will be gone within 30 years," says Prof Kerswill. 'Jafaican' The study, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, says the accent ,which has been around for more than 500 years, is being replaced in London by a new hybrid language. The new accent, known in slang terms as Jafaican, is most famously spoken by rap star Dizzee Rascal. "Cockney in the East End is now transforming itself into Multicultural London English, a new, melting-pot mixture of all those people living here who learnt English as a second language," Prof Kerswill says. Prof Paul Kerswill on the new London language Traditional Cockneys have moved out of the capital and into the surrounding counties of Essex and Hertfordshire, especially towns such as Romford and Southend, the study suggests. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10473059
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