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Everything posted by happychick

  1. IBS Otherwise known as the I'm Baffled Syndrome !!. Only joking guy's. The treatment does seem to be peppermint, my doctor prescribed them for me. After many more months of pain, bloatedness, vomiting etc,etc, it was decided to send me for tests. Result's; inconclusive, then ? hang on, they knew, yes you all guessed it , it's stress they say. Take the peppermint and try Yoga. Six months later i look like a bleeding polo mint crossed with quasimodo's aunty cause of the sodding Yoga AND still got the dodgy tum. Back to doctor's, scream at him that if he don't sort me out i'm gonna turn up every month , just as the PMT is at it's peak, and scream his surgery down. ANSWER, you definatly are stressed aren't you ? Stressed, me stressed, whatever gave him that idea with the fantastic help & advice he had given me.
  2. Spud is now fat (still got red hair ,going bald with it ). Still lives in the land of Walter Mitty. Do you remember the other woodseats lads, glen wright, holloway twins, mick biggin,mick cooper, the crookes twins. Hey what about bob bowler from lowedges & the brothwells & bartholemew's. Loads more i remember as well. Lowedges park, rowlinson youth club, the lido at millhouses, the fair that came to norton every summer. They were fantastic times, and i have often run in to the people i went to school with. Some of them live near me & we are still friends now.
  3. Hey guy's, my sister lived with John Tate, and they had a son ,and allthough they split up i do know where John is and how he can be contacted. The schools amalgamated in 1969, and i remember that every time they mended that mesh fence separating the 2 schools the lads just cut it down again.
  4. I went to Jordanthorpe from 1967 -1971. lived on Jordanthorpe though. Can remember Mr Helliwell very well , small chubby bloke ,tried to teach us girls woodwork. An experience i am sure he never forgot:D I remember a lot of people from Lowedeges who i went to Jordanthorpe with ( boys& girls). Memories of some very happy times eh:banana:
  5. If you only lived there for 6months then you don't really know w hat your talking about do you And my home is not minging, neither am i, i dont happen to be depressed and i am certainly not tired of life. You have formed your opinion from your own unfortunate experience. Don't judge everyone the same.
  6. Lived on Batemoor & then Jordanthorpe for 35 years in total. Ok, a few years ago we had the same problems as other places with drugs, vandals etc But it's been sorted now. I can think of a lot worse places in Sheffield than this. Never had any real trouble with anybody, i like it where i live, and have got some good friends & neighbours. I think you will find that most of the people who dislike Batemoor don't really know the place or the people, they will have probably just "heard" of the place, and will have based their decision on that. If all the stories about Batemoor & Jordanthorpe were true then we would all need to have barbed wire fences round our houses, and walk round in bullet proof vests. Places get a reputation and often that reputation sticks, we know what its like to live around here, so do what i do , don't take any notice of what anybody else thinks,we know it's ok, and that's that.
  7. My 19yr old daughter has sold quite a few things on Ebay,its not hard to ge it set up, just follow the step by step directions that Ebay give you and you can't go wrong. She's made herself a few quid and had no problems with it at all.So go on, put your stuff to good use and make yourself a bit of spare cash at the same time.Good luck
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