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mr fester

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Everything posted by mr fester

  1. ERM. PROBLEM.......one million 16-24 year olds are out of work! ERM GOVERNMENT SOLUTION.........raise retirement age! NOW, why did not I think of such an obvious solution!
  2. I TOTALLY agree. It seems that many here have an obsession about the BNP and racism. They occupy far too much space in this forum. I never even think of the BNP until I come here.
  3. Am I supposed to know you? Are you a secret admirer or something?
  4. ERM. The BNP are a minority party. People here REPEATEDLY put them down as being unimportant and nondescript. If that is the case why are they the topic of so many threads on here? Why are there so many threads about racism and the BNP? which of course are TOTALLY different concepts anyhow. What are you all so afraid of? BNP are FUN!
  5. yerra know! I daren't tell you my really, really really MOST embarassing story though!
  6. I was once, many years ago awakened by the police in a cattle market in Coldstream, but don't tell anyone!:hihi:...It was FREEZING!
  7. You read that too! Students are not ALL bad. Lots of them are away from home and free for the first time. They are young people enjoying their youth.
  8. I sincerely hope that it was not the vicar who woke you up before communion!....I BET you drunk all the wine too!:hihi:
  9. Why are foreigners so afraid of your party when they are so well meaning?
  10. ERM....have you got a Phd in making weird comments or something?:hihi:......if so is there an open university option?
  11. You spew in the sink at 3-00am. You wake up feeling refreshed. You wake up in someone elses bed. You don't wake up til 7-00pm You wake up and find several new numbers in your phone and cannot remember who they are You wake up in love!:love: You wake up and wonder where your £200 went. ERM...cannot think of any more!
  12. Political parties have messed about with education for as long as I can remember. It is what politicians do. If your child is intelligent, he will get there. If you have bred a cabbage he will not.....SIMPLES! Do not blame teachers if your kid is a dummy. You bred them!:hihi:
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