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Everything posted by bladette_24

  1. I go back to work the first week of March after maternity leave. I am looking for a nanny or a childminder for care of my 2 boys, (2years and 8months) It will be part time - 3 days a week - 10 hours each day Will need to be ofsted registered. If you are interested please contact me Thanks
  2. I am making the assumption that your just the typical owl who never moans about everything and is perfect in every way....... And excuse me if I am wrong but I don't think I actually mentioned 'sue', if the fault lies with the hospital why should the op pay???? No point just coming on here moaning, do something about it!
  3. As part of the booking in process at a&e the reception staff always ask 'how have you got to the hospital' in which if you have arrived by car they say (in my experience) where have you parked?? Which then results the reception staff giving you a permit if you have parked in the bays outside the hospital.... Did they not go through this process? If not then make a complaint, and send the ticket to the nhs to pay
  4. 100% agree! They say they are all for mothers to go back to work but they don't make it easy, but neither do they make it easy for mothers to stay at home. We would lose our house if I stayed at home so I have to work if someone told me that they would pay all my bills I would gladly not work and be a full time mum, but it's just not an option financially
  5. And me working full time allows a bit of flexibility for us after childcare cost have been paid. We had a few months with no income for me, no help from the government and it wa hard and we will be so much better off and be able to have nice things and go on holiday treat my family, wouldn't be able to do that not working and I very much doubt that the government would give mums money to pay for bills etc, they certainly didnt give me anything before I started work
  6. I would not say £44 a day is a 'small' fortune especially when children are in their full time would you???
  7. So how are families expected to live a life without constantly looking over their shoulders for financial troubles? I have a 9month old and have just gone back to work full time, for the simple reason so that my family can live a comfortable life, and to be able to provide for my child. The government certainly don't provide enough help for me to a stay at home mum. It also helps my self esteem to be around other people and actually earning my own money gives me a sense of worth (not that I feel worthless as a mum) it makes me feel proud to be able to bring my son up in an environment where I don't have to count the pennies as much. If your suggestion that mothers stay home was to happen, then so many jobs would be lost, there would be no need for childcare so what do you propose happens with those people????? Surely we would have the sane situation as the child care workers would take up the jobs that the working mums had???!!!! Oh this has so frustrated me!!!!!
  8. I am having the same problem and i am born and bred in sheffield. I was working in Doncaster and fell pregnant, my maternity leave has just ended, and beacuse of travelling to work (I don't drive) and the clash of childcare I could not return there, I am desperate for a job and have applied for lots but not hearing anything back. I applied for one job and didn't get shortlisted and I contacted them for feedback, the job then was advertised again, so i applied again using the feedback they gave me and still nothing. I have all the qualifications they need, i am quite highly qualified in business administration, and my last job was an office manager in an accountants of which i worked for 4years...and i am struggling! Don't know how we are going to survive as I don't qualify for any benefits for myself nor does the benefits we get for my son increase all just because my partner works. If anyone knows of any jobs out there please let me know thanks
  9. Where is Thirncliffe pavillion lewisslater? thanks Lisa G, had thought of those, just wanted to have a decent list of places so there is always something to fall back on
  10. Hi I hope somebody can help with a couple of plumbing issues.... In my sons nursery, the radiator just doesn't seem to work, we have bled it and water just squirts straight out, so there is obviously no air in it. The thermostat on the radiator is on full, so not sure what the problem could be?? Also on our combi boiler the pressure level keeps dropping below the 0.5 (when it does this the hot water just totally cuts off) and we are having to put it up again nearly every week, and the more we use the hot water and the heating the quicker it drops, what could the problem be with this?? The boiler was apparently only fitted 3years ago. I hope someone out there can help, I am only asking on here as I am fed up of waiting for family who are plumbers to even give an idea as to what the problem could be Thanks in advance for any help
  11. Hi does anyone know of a decent function room for my sons christening He is getting christened at Grenoside, and we are prepared to go out as far as Hillsborough. Needs to be reasonable price and would prefer them to do the catering. Its for 5weeks time and are looking at around 60 guests. Any help would be really appreciated Thanks
  12. have a look at http://www.cloud9designs.org/sweettooth We are having our christening cake from her and word is the cakes are devine!
  13. I have heard that the childminders in my area are not too good, and they are not much cheaper, altho they would probably be more flexible. Our parents all work full time so are unable to use them to look after LO. I have been looking for jobs and have applied for some, but there isn't that much out there which is going to give us enough money to live on. Unfortunately my employer is only a small business and doesn't run a scheme of any kind to help, I am the first employee the current owners have ever had that has had a baby. Thanks Setzbetz xxx
  14. My midwife checked a few things when she came to do my check. she checked where my LO would be sleeping, and also checked to make sure we had everything for the new arrival such as the car seat and the cot etc, and she just asked where we would be putting the LO to sleep when we arrived home. When she came to do the check we were awaiting for our carpets to be put down in our room and the nursery and she just advised me to get the wooden flooring sorted to ensure there were no trip hazards. She also checked to make sure we had smoke alarms upstairs. I can see why some people see this check as an invasion of privacy but I do understand why they do this, at the end of the day it is for your and your baby's benefit they are only trying to help you, and give you a push in the right direction if you need it.
  15. hi guys It has been a while since i last posted on here but thought I would update all you lovely ladies on what happened! Firstly I had a beautiful baby boy who we called Billy and weighed 8lb 5oz the labour was not good ended up with the epidural, then I had to have an emergency c section with a spinal block and then Bily got taken into to special care for a week so wasn't a very good experience. But all is well now and I have a gorgeous cheeky 4month old little boy! Thanks for all your advice xx
  16. I am due to return to work on the 1st November and have been looking at returning to work part time but everything is not going to plan. I work in Doncaster and I am quite highly qualified however my employer isn't very generous on the pay. I wanted to return to work part time, 3days a week, but as I don't drive I travel to work by train. There is 1 childcare centre in my area, and because I am not on benefits and willing to work I have to pay the highest fee. Because of the childcare times (drop off earliest at 8am, pick up latest 6pm) and the travelling to work I can only work the hours of 10am - 4pm, but the monthly salary on these hours does not cover me for my outgoings including the childcare costs (£30 a day). To cover my outgoings I need to work 5days a week at those hours, however this doesn't help the situation as I would need an extra 2days of childcare, which my salary then works out as I am £5 under what I need for my outgoings before any tax or NI is taken off. It is just a viscious circle and I do not know what to do. The HMRC say my partner earns to much to be able to claim any help with childcare costs (the little that we would have wouldn't really make any difference). I have looked for jobs but there just isn't anything out there that suits my experience or qualifications, and the ones that have been out I have applied for and not heard anything. I don't want to work full time as it would mean that the childcarers are bringing my son up and not me. Does anyone have any advice on what to do??? I cannot believe that mums who are willing to work have to go through things like this and I have read today that 40% of new mums can't afford to return to work simply because of the rise in childcare costs. Please someone help me....................
  17. right i am really put off having an epidural now lol! in a sort of weird way i want to know what the pain feels like just so i can say i experienced and it hurt so dont do it lol, but you never know i may surprise myself and i may cope my pain threshold may be amazing but then again it may not and i will scream blue murder lol. But not long to go, i am having a lot of signs according to my mum and she is reckoning that there will be a new addition to the family within the next week so just have to see. I think as soon as contractions start i will probably end up on here telling you all how petrified i am and how it hurts and that i want all drugs possible lol
  18. haha i would try and opt for a pet if i got broody again but i dount very much he would let me haha, oh well if i do get pregnant again (which i know i say i don't want anymore but i will probably have more) i will just make sure he suffers even more than he has in this one and there is nothing he can say or do as i just put it down to hormones lol
  19. ksheff2 thank you so much you sound amzing, not even one stitch how good is that!!!! i just want to say hello to my little one now, i am fed up of waiting, i want to know the sex, and i want to feed him/her and i just want to see my boyfriend hold his baby.......please hurry up little one lol all the advice has been really great thank you so much everyone..........i think i am secretly looking forward to it as i know what i will have at the end thanks again everyone xxxx
  20. wow you have been busy speeddemon. My bf is 26 now and he wants 4 by the time he is 30.........he better get on the search for a women who wants to give them another 3kids in the next 3years lol because i want a break after this one
  21. i take into account what people have said and that most people's problem is that the 'invoice' is too high This thread does seem to be going in circles, my opinion is if people are going to park illegally whether be it on private land or on the roads they shouldn't complain because they have put themselves in that position, they need to deal with the consequences
  22. taxman do you want to forward your tax credit forms on to me its just ridiculous, i can't believe some of the problems they have caused. They never seem to take responsibility do they?? they always have someone else to blame
  23. i have read up on the things i have been experiencing and apparently they are things you go through a week or so before labour and i have had them a week now so i dont know whether to expect it any day or whether it will go on like this till my around my due date on the 19th april. you think you know so much until you actual go through it lol, i am surprised at how much i dont know
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