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Mr Nobody

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Everything posted by Mr Nobody

  1. Snuff Mill Body Shop on Ecclesall Road. Ask for Nick. 0114266 2223. I've used them lots of times and they have always been very good. Only time I did not was when my insurance firm really hassled me to use VW Gilders in Hillsborough. I owned a Peugeot which was stolen and damaged, and when I told them I would be using Snuff Mill as I always had previously, they were quite strong about the parts not being covered etc etc. It was all a load of rubbish and I should have stuck to my guns. They wanted me to use one of their 'approved' centres. Funnily enough, no Peugeot main dealers were included on this approved list either. So it went to VW Gilders. When I picked the car up the guy told me that they had subcontracted some of the work to Peugeot anyway. Was not keen on the service or the work that was done on the car. For instance the locks were changed but they did not change the petrol tank one which caused a bit of hassle. When I picked the car up it had hardly any fuel in it. Had to roll it as much as I could to the garage on Leppings Lane only to find the key did not work.
  2. Bless you Joe-Public. As always it is a pleasure to read your unbiased ,many-faceted reasoned words. As for last minute - I fear this is just beginning. But better late than never. As for my legal skills - you know you can always ring me. But on a serious note here are my words of advice for you and your seniors. Curran left. Just get on with it. By using police investigations or suspensions etc you are merely prolonging an issue which should be yesterdays news. Do you not think that by highlighting the fact you have a 'dossier' on the Sheffield public that was ALLEDGEDLY worth stealing you might unsettle the public. Also extending the issue is giving fuel to the fire as to why the councillor left. There are far more important issues for your party to fight and win on. You are not playing this right. Promise.
  3. You got me! But maybe a Freudian slip sounds better.
  4. Do you have a penchant for reputation my dear fellow? Is it an illness. You have repeated this all the way through this thread. This happened on other threads too. Nice to see you again though.
  5. Apologies you're right Mr Harston not Cllr Harston who has been a sterling servant to the city and his posts have been forthright on here too. Almost a shame he is no longer a cllr . . . . . That damn Curran.
  6. What a waste of Public money. Using vital police time to get involved in a political dispute. Sounds like sour grapes to me. But this is not going to look very good for the Lib Dems. Someone is badly advising them on this.
  7. This is the quote from The Star website: "Lib Dem bosses allege that Coun Ben Curran copied a database containing personal information about thousands of residents in the city.They claim he downloaded the information onto a memory stick just days before dramatically walking out on the Lib Dems and joining Labour." If you look at previous posts - especially those from Cllr Harston - there is an immediate flaw in the Lib Dems case. Cllr Curran WAS a member of the Lib Dem party when he ALLEDGEDLY downloaded the information. Therefore no crime has been committed as the information was there for Lib Dem members and councillors to use. So I don't understand why on earth they would be calling the police? Or rather telling The Star they are thinking of calling the police - -hmmmmmm. Something smells here. Surely if the LibDem's THINK Cllr Curran has information (which he has every right to have as a councillor and as a Lib Dem) - as he has left the party they should just ask for it back. He DID NOT take it illegally. Did they ask for it back? Or did they send a nasty press release to The Star BEFORE talking to the police and WITHOUT asking Cllr Curran. Then Espradille and Joe-Public and all the other usual Lib dem posters start blackening his name on here. IF i was Cllr Curran I would be getting a very good lawyer and serving the Lib Dems with a writ . Maybe he will . . . .
  8. No. But i'm sure there is the odd criminal . . . . But who would be going to jail? The cllr accused of taking info. Repeat ACCUSED - AND IN THE STAR. Or the cllr's making the accusation?
  9. Well I don't know, we don't know and the forum does not know for sure that Cllr Curran removed these details. Therefore I think moderators should step in here. Because it could be construed that the Lib Dems are using Sheffield Forum to blacken Cllr Curran's name if certain Lib Dem posters on here carry on. Of course you guys are hurting. Your party is going down the pan and as one Lib Dem cllr told me in the supermarket the other day - "We are going to get wiped out' This is a matter to be decided elsewhere and the guy is being accused of doing something that could be a serious offence. Innocent until proven guilty. I really do hope Lib Dems are not using this or heaven forbid making it ip to cover up this bad news story??!! Cllr Baker "is due to contact the police about it" Is he or isn't he? And it perhaps says a lot that Cllr Baker is in the Star makig the accusation BEFORE the police. Not playing politics with it? I ask you. Shame on you. And now it turns out that actually its the Lib Dems who have committed the crime by not being more careful. Therefore cllr Baker is reporting himself in - with regards to data protection. Honestly. And these people are running our city?
  10. Good luck. Are you meeting with the council officers or councillors? Talk to the hand not the fingers!
  11. Given this about blood - can you get halal black pudding?
  12. A third party perhaps? Mediation or swinging? Either could be fun.
  13. Anyone who wants to be Prime Minister is mentally unstable.
  14. If you like him then you don't need to change his ways. Probably slightly awkward because you have gone from friends to lovers. Friends are sometimes more honest and open than lovers. So perhaps the answer is there. Be both. But stop worrying - it will evolve. Good luck.
  15. So the polls are suggesting that Con same Lab up and Lib Dem down essentially. Thus the coalition is not benefiting the Libs. Kind of predicted. Guess we will see how that pans out in Sheffield. And in particular the Woodhouse by-election
  16. Fair enough. But my point was that - would you vote for a non-Lib Dem now. For instance if the best candidate in your opinion was not a Lib Dem - let's say a Green for example in the next local elections. But you are a Lib Dem member or a candidate elsewhere. Would you vote for the best candidate? Or follow party lines?
  17. So if this perfect candidate were not a Lib Dem - would you vote for them? Not trying to trip you up - because I agree with your sentiments. Just interested.
  18. Election results. Recent issues. Posts on here (which I know are somewhat biased - but both ways). Lets look at the evidence. A.) Recent local election results. You previously won Hillsborough by over a thousand. You lost this time. Same in Ecclesfield, Mosborough and Gleadless. Granted; the national vote had a bearing on these results because of higher turnout. But the Hillsborough one is the most significant as the previous majority was so high. B.) Joining in a coalition with the conservatives in a coalition is not popular in a city like Sheffield. Perhaps in the wealthy leafy suburbs of the south-west where in general the conservatives have a degree of support. But you always win here. Control of the council is determined by Lib/Lab marginals. You lost all of them last time - and if your national rating contnues and issues like Forgemasters crop up that will have a bearing. C.) Recent parish council elections. You got THUMPED. Not just beaten. Thumped. When was the last tie Libs lost two by-elections in one night? Not only that but in two (assumed) safe council seats of Stannington and Stocksbridge. In one election you polled 30% of the vote in a two horse race. The other you lost to an Independent and came dangerously close to coming third. So add all of these factors and the future does not look bright - nor orange. Granted you could argue this, that and the other about stats. But you have lost a lot this year. Hence by assertion about your unpopularity is justified. Which I believe will result in you losing control of the council next May.
  19. In an ideal world that would be perfectly lovely espadrille. But, alas, the political system we have and the way the parties campaign rather opposes such a utopian vision. For instance a Lib Dem leaflet usually consists of a big bar chart saying only the Lib Dems can win none of the other candidates can because they don't care about the area. Or some other such rubbish. The party you were a candidate for espadrille don't have a great reputation for nice, local straigh-forward fair campaigning. Anyway. I'm interested to see how the BNP do. They are bigging themselves up a bit, and obviously fancy their chances. But. A.) The Libs are unpopular locally and on their way out of the council. B.) The Libs/Coalition are also taking some flak nationally - and I believe Clegg and the party are so low in the polls they run the risk of joining the 'others bracket' (with Greens and UKIP etc). C.) Conservatives have no chance D.) Nor do UKIP. So I can only see a massive win for Labour here. But just interested to see how BNP fair behind them.
  20. Yes - thanks rosyrat - found it when I looked a little further. Just wondered why Sir Irvine had re-started the thread.
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