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Everything posted by VNF...

  1. I recon it's more to do with chemical reactions within the brain which causes aggressive behaviour in children.
  2. Quite a number of people have been fined or sent to prison due to this law over the years. And don't the sheperds keep saying that piracy funds terrorism? Well the way things stand piracy is now currently legal for Videos and DVD's.
  3. ...and so the sheep turn on the one who won't stay in line
  4. Just to add, this means that selling Pirate Copies is OK. This could take at least 3 months to sort out. I wander how damaging it could be for retailers?
  5. LOL even on the BBC News http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8219438.stm
  6. On the eve of the Video Recordings Act it looks like the Tories blundered creating a loophole that means selling non-certified videos and DVD's is not illegal. http://news.aol.co.uk/loophole-leaves-dvd-law-toothless/article/20090825011732939808101?icid=main
  7. Like I say I made my vote count by not watching it following Fridays fiasco! But I took much pleasure in hearing the result! Which proved my theory that mostly SUN newspaper readers voted - similar to the majority of users of this site
  8. I'm going to vote my oppinion tonight by not watching the final on behalf of blatant rule changing to suit (also known as - cheating!)
  9. LOL are we talking that dance group who where so concerned about the "get knives of the streets" message? If so, I totally agree with you m8. I could see Simon was dying himself during that girls rant about someone being killed etc. But he's a quit witted guy, so it was great to see him try and rescue the group by asking for one of the younger girls oppinions, I believe they said "It's great!!!" 'to be on the show.
  10. It's killed the show now imo. How can they give a second chance to one contestant but not another? I recon there could be backlash enough from this to finish off the show but then again maybe that's what Simon and Co. want because the overall so called talent is poor. By the way I thought the little girl was the best but no way should she have got a 2nd go.
  11. Thanks Terminator. I have been thinking about getting one or a couple for ages now bu am still thinking it over but will contact Jediwarrior if I decide to get any.
  12. I think ferrets are great pets, hope he gets well
  13. The thing with Gordon Brown is that realistically we should take our hats of to him, he infact inhereted a poison plant or chalice. Tony Blair knew what was about to happen and so got out while the going was good.
  14. I've never been a miner. My decision to vote for her was because of how she sent troops into Falkland Islands without proper equipment - a conflict which apparently may have been avoided, such as good boots etc. How she broke the Unions and how she destroyed communities and not forgetting how she screwed up the economy a couple of times during her reign. And there is plenty more.....
  15. Certainly her dictorship Mrs. Margaret Thatcher by light years. She was the most evil woman of the 20th century.
  16. LOL, I always thought you could use Wii's for playing DVD, think I'lll give mine a go
  17. I doubt they will get back into power but I don't think it matters has they all end up the same - false promises!
  18. When people use the word 'We' are they speaking for everybody or themselves? I ask because I use the word 'We' at times when I'm meaning 'myself'.
  19. I enjoy (not) how poeple get slated for being honest. If she lied and said she missed the kids more than anything in the World would it make you happier?
  20. Why would you look at that has being a positive thing? Vegas is the dream place to fight for a boxer and that's where they're going to make big bucks.
  21. If Hatton is serious about wanting to stay in Boxing for a while then he needs to stay out the pub over the next year and stay in fighting fit shape. Maybe have an handpicked fight next in the UK and then head back over the pond. I recon if Hatton goes for it over a 18 month period he could possibly avenge both his defeats but he MUST stay in shape and live, breath and sleep Boxing. He's so close to grabbing that best pound for pound title and I'm sure altering his life for an 18 month period will be better in the long run for his him, as 15 years down the road he may just realise would he could've acheived!
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