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Everything posted by xxjenxx

  1. Hi all Just wondered if anyone knows any websites where you can sell wedding decorations? Not a fan of ebay or pre loved So was trying to find perhaps something more local or a shop if anyone knows of anywhere?! We have approx 20 metres of vintage bunting, some smaller bunting, indoor and outdoor lights, jam jars, an easel, wicker hanging hearts and various signs that we used to decorate 3 barns in the peaks. Thank you !
  2. HI everyone Just wondering if anyone has bought a dress from blushes on london road and what price range the dresses were? thanks! jen
  3. Hi Tracey I agree with all you have said about the privatisation of services, no doubt the council are saying this is a 'difficult' and 'necessary' decision to save money. Why do they not realise that in the long run this will create further problems and high cost eg.to manage crisis situations. It's so frustrating having worked in the area of learning disabilities for a long time, that nothing seems to be improving! I know there are some standard private companies, but absolutely agree with the consequences of privatisation. The care sector needs more respect, for it to be seen as a valuable career and role, and not just what 'anyone' can do. Also, just ignore the comment made above, people just try and get a reaction about something they clearly know nothing about. I will sign the petition and pass this on ;0)
  4. Hi all Just wondering if anyone is aware of companies which hire out vintage splitscreen campervan's in the sheffield area? I've seen quite a few companies, but we would like a friend of ours to drive it, rather than having a chauffeur. I realise that companies wouldn't be willing to hire out campervans in this way, due to insurance etc... but I was wondering if there were any companies which just hired out the vans?! Thanks Jen
  5. Thanks for all the suggestions will have a look!
  6. Hi I'm trying to find somewhere to have my 30th birthday in January to hold between 45-60 people, preferably somewhere which does food also in the S11 S7 or S11 area due to family and friends being around this area. Any suggestions would be appreciated! thank you! Jen x
  7. Hi I'm trying to find somewhere to have my 30th birthday in January to hold between 45-60 people, preferably somewhere which does food also in the S11 S7 or S11 area due to family and friends being around this area. Any suggestions would be appreciated! thank you! Jen x
  8. Hey all Thanks for all your replies, will look into those things Cheers! xxx
  9. Hi all I am hoping to get some experience with children with disabilities in order to get into portage work, (supporting families with children with learning disabilities/physical disabilities) Does anyone know of any places/organisations/charities who accept volunteers? I currently work as a nurse but with adults with learning disabilities. thank you! xxx
  10. Hey sorry to hear about this. Yeah could have been worse. Wondering if it was a stray or had it escaped? Wish people would control their dogs, getting a bit silly now. Why have a dog if you cant look after it?
  11. Just to echo what others have said, you did the right thing- I dont think you could have stopped anything if you had intervened- when people have, they have got hurt or killed so definately did right to call the police. Hope the bloke it ok- does anyone know anything. Makes you stop and think. I really dont know why but I always used to use that underpass at night after finishing work and thought it was ok. Silly now I think about it. I suppose you never think its going to happen to you. Being mugged must be awful.
  12. I really cant believe (some) of the lack of compassion on this thread. Its just an unfortunate situation that lisa is in- people are making her out to be a freeloader! I also realise it takes years to build up friendships etc... its a shame that people always see the negative in someone asking for a bit of help. Asking for support isnt a weakness. I do think the St Chads idea is a good one and sounds promising. I think peeople can be really jugdmental- like the comment which said "I think its you" or something implying it was lisa's fault etc.. well thats just rude- u know nothing about the situation at all. I hope you never find yourself in this situation, and realise how lucky you are to have people around on xmas day. Seriously, do people get kicks out of being so harsh on people? this type of thread doesnt deserve a bashing!
  13. hello I'm wanting to buy a used car for around £800 can anyone recommend anywhere (know its a bit random) from which they have good experience? I've been looking on gumtree and came across GLD motors on city road; does anyone know if they are fair/reasonable etc.? thanks Jenny
  14. Hi and thanks for your replies- really sorry for my late reply as I havnet had the internet for a bit...! I still need to get in touch with Mindful Uk who have posted on the thread before, so it could be a while yet;also I am not sure where they are based whether its in Sheffield or elsewhere. I think it will take a lot of preparation and organising, but definately would love to start one. Will write again soon x
  15. Hi again All sounds very interesting! The idea came about because I would like to do some voluntry work during my final year and have worked with many people with learning disabilities who have diabetes, and have seen the problems that they face in adapting their lifestyle. I think there must be support groups out there for people, but I think that services rely on their own staff/carers to provide people with support and guidance. However, from my experience (and from reading research) it is apparent that some carers (but not all) do not see diabetes as a serious illness; which has the ability to result in major problems if uncontrolled. I think all too often people are told they have diabetes by their GP and are given a few leaflets which do not get read and the psychological aspects arent addressed. Its something I would hopefully like to help to change! Anyway, sorry for the long speech! Would be happy to get involved with your organisation. Where are you based by the way? Thanks Jenny
  16. Hi Thanks a lot for your reply- that would be great if I could get involved in some way. Your work sounds really interesting, the psychological aspect of diabetes probably isnt addressed enough by other professionals! Please feel free to send me some more information about it and when youre website is up and running I will take a look! Thanks again Jenny
  17. Hello I'm after some advice about setting up a support group. I'm training to be a learning disability nurse and am really interested in supporting peoplen with learning disabilities who have diabetes. eg. in adjusting to a new diet, accessing information and learning about diabetes. I'm wondering if anyone knows of anything in the Sheffield area, as I cant find anything on the internet. Also if there happens to be any nurses who are involved in this sort of thing I would like to get involved. (Since I'm not qualified yet!) If anyone knows anything please reply! thanks jenny
  18. Hi I'm wondering if someone can help me. I support a gentlemen in his 60's who has learning disabilities and autism. Im trying to find day services that he may enjoy, which would be engaging for him but without paying too much money ;0) Ive searched the internet but it appears there are lots of services for people with learning disabilities who are young and who are wanting to learn skills etc (which is great!) but not for older people with more severe disabilities. He would suit a quiet environment but I understand that this may not be possible! If anyone knows of anything or how to be refferred, please let me know. Only just discovered this section of the forum, its great! Cheers Jenny
  19. Excuse me for being slightly sympathetic when a family have lost someone. So that gives people the right to joke because he "deserved it" according to you???
  20. Why do sad individuals have to make themselves look completely pathetic by making jokes about a man that has died??? For goodness sake, show some respect! But that would be too much to ask wouldnt it. I think you all need a life. RIP michael jackson x
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