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Everything posted by Joe-Public

  1. 'Labour as its best' Take a look at this :- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2507533/Immigration-mistake-Come-Jack-Straw-RICHARD-LITTLEJOHN.html
  2. Have a read of this : Sheffield City Council Please, Please ensure that you issue the new EU arrivals with your leaflets about how to behave in the community. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2511082/Sheffield-Council-produce-leaflet-teach-migrants-anti-social-behaviour.html:(
  3. Have a read of this :- http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/444239/Welcome-to-Britain-here-s-how-to-claim-your-benefits-You-pay-to-teach-migrants-manners I would like to suggest that the Sheffield City Council should continue to produce the advice given to the Roma, in relation to basic behaviour in our fair city, as it is obvious these people don't know the rules about everyday living in a neighbourhood To be told not to urinate, defecate, or have sex in the street shows to me and the community of Page Hall that the new arrivals are indeed people from a country who don't have toilets in their houses etc. Having to advise people about basic behaviour is quite alarming, is there any wonder Page Hall residents are getting a little agitated.
  4. UKIP is the UK's fastest growing political party, and it is open to people from any ethnic background, UKIP is the only political party that has banned ex BNP members from joining the party, unlike the LIB/LAB/CON ~ Labour have indeed an ex BNP member who is now a Labour Councillor. Please visit http://www.UKIP.org for further details and policies about the party.
  5. Its our young people I feel sorry for, I know many are desperate for work, and that includes many young black and ethnic minority youngsters who were born in this country, they to are fearful for their jobs etc, due to the influx of EU migrants.
  6. UKIP have no interest whatsoever in kicking Pakistanis or anyone else out of the country if they were in power, and to suggest so is simply being silly and mischievous. What UKIP do believe in is sensible numbers of EU migrants entering the country, and wish to see our boarders protected. From the 1st January next year, thousands of EU migrants will be allowed to enter the UK, Yes migrants can also go to other EU countries, however after three months if they don't find work, their benefits stop in the other countries unlike the UK where if they remain jobless their benefits continue including child allowance. We have nearly a million of our own young people in this country, many are looking for work and many decent young men and women are daily delivering their CV's to buisinesses etc seeking work. Of course we all know that there is a very small percentage that don't want work, but for Cameron and others to suggest that they have no asparations etc is an insult to our young people. Please visit http://www.UKIP.org for more information
  7. I learnt today that Cllr John Robson had passed away, I don't mind saying that I shed a tear for John this morning, he has been through so much. John was a true gentleman and told it as it was. "RIP John Robson"
  8. Yes, many of the takeaways will be open , however if you dont order early on, everone in Sheffield will be ordering theirs and it can take up to over an hour (even more) for your delivery. Dont expect a normal delivery service Have a great meal and a 'happy new year'
  9. Amey, are to employ an official snow Inspector, who will march around sheffield with a pace stick under his/her arm. He / She will measure the said snow in an area that they deem appropriate, if the depth of the snow is 2 iches or more they will dispatch a grit vehicle to deposit a sack of grit salt for the use of the humble snow warden.
  10. Since the grit depot at Deepcar has been resited the area has been a right skating rink. Why did they move it ?
  11. The Council see;s snow wardens as a threat to the Council workers jobs, i.e. those who clear the footpaths etc. Community Payback teams do a much better job than the Council. This years gritting by Amey has been a total farce so far and they have the nerve to refuse the snow wardens a small amount of grit until it snows absolute disgrace,
  12. The Labour controlled Council have never been keen on the introduction of snow wardens, hence Amey's pathetic excuse to supply grit-salt untill snow is actually falling. Yes it would make sense to give the remaining snow wardens the tools to do their job, not when its to late. Amey wouldnt want to upset their paymasters would they. The current Council have no intention of seeing the snow warden scheme work whatsoever, they see it as taking jobs off their union paymasters:loopy:
  13. Weather forecast is predicting -7 tonight boys (Amey) so could you please spread the grit/salt a little more thickly on the main primary routes please. Just a word of advice to the grit wagon drivers (((((( Take Care )))))) its icy.
  14. Everyone seems to be fly tipping everything these days, what with the fortnightly bin collections, the cancellation of the bulk and green waste collections, and now the crack down on the scrap men, a recipe for more dumped waste Im afraid.
  15. If Sheffield City Council have any small gritting wagon that they would like me to drive just send me a message. In respect of the gritting warden duties I understand the Labour Council poo pooed this idea, but suddenly they now dont mind, I do, my little bit on my estate in relation to gritting the road and path, if I didnt work full time I would do more, however, I also believe that the Council highways gritting team could do more on the estates.
  16. Lets all have a gentle reminder of the Leaflet that was originally posted :hihi::hihi:
  17. The leaflet is informative and makes people think twice about using any taxi. If the leaflet is libillous, it's up to the appropriate taxi company to take action against those responsible, for printing it. Some people on here are claiming its fraud. (I think that issue needs to be discussed by proper solicitors not back street lawyers )
  18. OK Amey, you've done a great job in keeping the primary routes open, however this is what our Council tax pays you to do so dont get to giddy. Some time ago we used to see a little grit lorry going around our estates with men shovelling grit onto the side roads an footpaths during the day time, keeping them clear for the elderly and ambulances etc. (Go on tell me its an health and safety issue) Why no effort from Amey / Council to clear the side roads which are extremely dangerous on some estates, talk about a fatal accident looking for somewhere to happen. Come on Sheffield Council you could show us a little more effort on our estate roads. You've spent millions on a new fleet of gritting vehicles etc but where are the little trucks to deal with the side roads and the work men, surely they dont all work nights.:help:
  19. Stocksbridge Town Council have arranged a Christmas Market for tonight (Friday 7th December 5.00pm to 9pm at Stocksbridge) Brass band, choir, carols, Market stalls galore, hot food available, All the shops open. Father Christmas turning the lights on etc. Should be a great night "for everyone" Bring the Kids for a great night :):):)
  20. It sounds like good advice to me, makes people sit up and think before they get into a taxi. So whats the problem if it is libellous ? that's a private matter between the taxi companies involved and named. Sounds a good informative leaflet warning as to the dangers etc.
  21. Due to Amey's (Sheffield City Councils Highway arm) failure to grit the Highways primary routes last night, many people have been out using the grit from the yellow bins throwing it about the roads and footpaths. (Just what Amey should have been doing last night. Can Amey / Council, and Im sure they read this site, please go around the estates and fill the bins up. Lastly, its gonna be icy again tonight Amey, could we have some gritting in the area of the Upper Don please.
  22. Council have just moved grit depot from Deepcar resulting in complete total farce. No bus routes gritted. Elderly homes where ambulances collect people to take them to hospital neglected. All primary routes in Stocksbridge and Upper Don just not gritted overnight. Yet we are told informed Shiregreen had lovely gritting service.(Roads nice and clear) Are we suprised !!!!
  23. I dont wish to alarm you, but how many times have you heard the saying "never buy a car without the registration document". No one is saying that the previous owner has not genuinely mislaid the log book, however you always finish up with issues like you have before you like today. If the the sale was a genuine one, the previous owner or yourself, should have no bother getting a replacement However always be aware of buying a vehicle without a registration document. NB :- (Hundreds of stolen cars are bought without registration documents beware !!!!!!) (You live and learn)
  24. Serious in house fighting taking place at Rotherham between certain factions of the Labour party i.e. the controlling group and new- Labourites. The child sex grooming issue that wont go away, is also still high on the agenda and questions are now being asked as to why this was covered up and by whom. Ridley, has just condemed Rotherham Council regarding the issue (Shes a strange character this one, obviously trying her best to take advantage of the circumstances). Quite frightening whats happening in Rotherham with the Labour Councillors and the shameful McShane who have ruined Rotherham. I bet if your not a Labour member and you work for the Council at Rotherham you must be living in fear of losing your job always looking over your shoulder. Labour at their best
  25. Well it looks like the Rotherham Labour Party is in turmoil after todays announcement that the Rotherham Labour Controlled Council made the decision to take the kids off a couple who foster, because they are members of UKIP. What other policies have the stalanist Rotherham Labour controlled Council got up their sleeves - 'take kids off people for not voting Labour'. Labour have scored a massive own goal today in the forth comming Rotherham bye election. One thing is for certain The Labour Party in Rotherham have showed their true colours today.
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