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Everything posted by Binky

  1. It was a car just off the A57 roundabout on the end of Moss Way. The fire was out by the time I passed there but it was still smoking a lot and emergency services were there. Couldn't see much as I was driving, just a burnt out car and lots of people standing around. Don't know how it happened, it looked pretty bad tho.
  2. Irene if I could I would take them all in, but I don't think DH would appreciate it lol I'm planning to take her in as soon as I can afford to have her properly checked out by a vet, hopefully next week. In the meantime I'm making sure she has food and water and isn't suffering in any way. Oh and I'm not sure about her being pregnant anymore, her stomach doesn't seem so rounded now so maybe it was bloating from hunger and/or a worm problem. whatever the cause we will deal with it
  3. http://flic.kr/p/diRZA8 I'm not sure how old she is but I'd guess no more than a couple of years. I would definitely say she hasn't been homeless that long, for a long hair she's not in typical "stray cat" condition and she's not excessively under weight, although there are a lot of mice and birds around here lol I hope the link works, I haven't posted one here before so here goes...
  4. I did say no chip, the vet couldn't feel any kittens but says it might be too early to tell. She definitely looks wider tho. She is on the rspca list so hopefully I might hear from that. It looks as if she's been sleeping in the neighbour's shed so it's not looking good. I have put a sheltered box out there for her if she needs it. If nothing comes up in the next few days I will probably take her in as it's heartbreaking listening to her meow on the doorstep day and night. I have to get my cats their shots first just to be safe, they're house cats so they never needed it before. smudge: I agree it's probably time to feed her. I have given her some food because I was worried and thought it would be a good test to see how hungry she was - she ate 2 plates of food pretty quickly! But true, it doesn't look like feeding her is encouraging anything since she seems to have already adopted us
  5. A beautiful black/brown long haired cat has been in my garden for some weeks and I'm trying to find who she belongs to. She's there day and night and has taken to sleeping next to the doorstep. She's quite small and very friendly but is starting to look matted and I'm concerned she might also be pregnant. She has no collar or chip. Any help greatly appreciated.
  6. I heard it too, I was in bed just dropping off to sleep. I couldn't decide if it was an explosion or my bin blowing over in the wind (happens often, even if it's not that windy lol) Too tired to care, I fell asleep.. I'm over in hackenthorpe so it must have been pretty loud. Forgot all about it till I saw this post.
  7. Does anyone know if there's a way through to Burngreave and beyond from the city centre? From what I can gather it seems the Wicker is still closed and I can't think of another way through. Destination is Shiregreen, which at the moment seems to be on a distant island... Any help would be greatly appreciated, we're getting desperate!
  8. I seem to think it was still there early nineties, not much longer tho. The only thing I ever remember buying from there was Directions hair colour as it was the only place I could find it after Pulse closed. I remember going out one night and someone broke into my mate's car in town and stole her leather, we found it the next day hanging on pip's rail lol thankfully she got it back without a prob! Oblivion was more recent, didn't last anywhere near as long as pippy's (probably due to the bad management) That one did have a sister shop in Hull called Function 1 which I believe is also closed down now
  9. Actually Olga retired BEFORE the Wap closed down and became the Casbah. I don't remember it being derelict, I remember the last night of the Wap, I remember before Olga retired there were rumours of the owners wanting her out so they could revamp the place and make it into yet another boring wine bar type affair, could have just been rumours but that's what I remember. I went into the Casbah ONCE after it opened, never went back. The drinks prices had increased far too much for my liking, that was enough for me to kiss it goodbye. The Casbah may be open till 2am, yippee, so are most clubs. Yes it did close at 10:30pm in the week, 11 at weekends, but in those days all pubs were closed by 11pm, and all nightclubs were closed by 2am. The closing time wasn't an issue at all. I dont know where you get your FACTs from sammy but you certainly dont remember it like I do. From the bitter tone in your messages I'm guessing you were thrown out of there once or twice by Olga who, despite being quite strict at times, was in fact loved by almost all of the regulars in there.
  10. I spent many years and made many friends in the Wap. I miss that place so much, I stopped going out when it closed. I did spend a few nights under the boardwalk but it didn't really compare. The Wap was my home from home since I was 13 years old, I knew every regular face in there and most of the names, it was the one place I could go alone and KNOW I would meet up with friends even without planning. andymay you seem very disapproving of the Wap and rock scene, but there isn't another pub in town that has or ever will have the sense of "community" that the wapentake held, anyone who dared to walk through the door was welcome and fights were rare. That can't be said for most places where if I turned up looking as I did in those days, pink hair and knee high docs, I'd either be turned away or treated as an outcast. I feel sorry for you for having missed out on the experience Incidentally, I've recently heard a rumour that the Wap is coming back, as it used to be. If the present owners of that place have any sense they'll do it. Has anyone else heard anything?
  11. I met my first bf on the rig. His handle was firefox too. Coincidence? lol Seen a few handles here I recognise, the one that jumps out the most (besides the above) is lady aries. I dont think i ever met her but I think I spoke to her once or twice and a lot of my CB mates knew her, she was quite notorious as I remember
  12. I love this forum, purely for nostalgia value! I can't believe people still remember slopdosh.. I still cringe when I hear the name (I guess certain experiences stick in my memory...) I read your list Pete, there's loads of names on there I remember. Does anyone have any pics lying around from those days? I loved the old punk days but sadly most of it is committed to memory as I never carried a camera back then. I often read these posts and wonder how many old friends are hiding behind these nicks... Thanks for the memories
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