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Posts posted by horribleblob

  1. Lololol - FGS u 2- I've heard all this a dozen times already. I wasn't asking for a discussion (or diatribe) on homeopathy in general. If you want to do that, start your own thread. I was just asking a simple, non-biased, non-judgemental question based on a personal request to me. Please respect that. A simple yes or no would have sufficed.

  2. Thank you all for your replies. However, I think you have mostly replied to a question other than the one I posted - which was quite specific: Anyone know of a homeopathic dispensing chemist in Sheffield?


    If I had asked the question: Do you think homeopathic remedies are efficacious? or - Are believers in homeopathy, suckers? - then I could have understood your replies. However, in the circumstances, I can only assume that you all need spectacles or you just like shouting people down as a sport.


    If you want to rant about homeopathic charlatans (I'm a fellow sceptic btw), I would be happy to open another thread so you can blah blah blah on to your hearts' content, but can we please restrict this one to to the actual question I asked and not waste my time (and your's) with irrelevancies?



    Thank you, samc - I went into Alton and James a few months back and they were unable to supply what I needed - they also said I required a dispensing homeopathic chemist.

  3. Anyone know of a homeopathic dispensing chemist in Sheffield? I don't mean a place where they just sell pre-packaged stuff, but one that makes up remedies to order. There used to be a Wicker Herbal fronting the Peace Gardens that did this in the days of the Egg Box but since it shut down, all the other Wickers just tell me I need to go to a dispensing homeopathic chemist for what I want but have no idea where I can find one.

  4. I have been in a similar situation, lolliew, quite a few times.


    Been to a venue with friends. Friends are 2 adults/2 kids. They get in on a cheaper rate family ticket.


    I am a single parent (through bereavement) and taking 3 kids. I get charged at a higher standard rate.


    Where is the justification in that? At the very least I would expect an equivalent rate (because 2 of the kids were from another single-parent family).

  5. Not during the day, maybe when people are cycling to work though


    Yes, you're right, Satryr, but I imagine it only takes a couple of seconds to walk round someone and I suspect most of the cyclists are looking ahead and have working brakes... and that the OP would look before leaping.

  6. The people who left without helping do pay the NHS so that an ambulance could arrive. I think its understandable they got annoyed when that moneys going towards helping people who get drunk and fall.


    So sad that there are so many people who think like this these days. It's just a question of financial cost and annoyance to them, without any regard to simple humanity. I just hope they don't find themselves in a similar situation. And if they think it couldn't happen to them... I don't imagine that bloke who fell over ever thought it would happen to him either.

  7. ...I can't except it all these African's scared of being killed in their own countries my solution is say a Somalian could go to India or china why come here in fact why not go to neighboring country


    Somalians living in neighbouring countries

    Ethiopia: 4.5 million

    Yemen: 858,000

    Kenya: 481,000

    Djibouti: 350,000

    Saudi Arabia: 50,000

    United Arab Emirates: 30,000


    In UK: 43,515

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