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Posts posted by horribleblob

  1. Most BBQs I've been to, almost everybody contributes to the food without being asked - even if it's for a birthday. Same goes for some indoor birthday parties round here - people bring cakes and stuff without being asked. Some folks just aren't as well-off as others and welcome a bit of help with the catering.

  2. she's 13, but not yet totally morphed into a grunting troglodyte teenager :)


    Sounds much like mine (same age and still mostly human). If I had not bought the card, handed her the pen to write it and then retrieved it from where it had fallen on the floor and taken it to the post box herself, her father would have been as disappointed as you were. It's not evil intent - they just have some seriously wonky connections in their brain wiring at that age, but they really do not want to be told what to do ...


    I agree with Womerry, I'm sure it wasn't deliberate, koenigsinger. So much else going on in a child's head at that age. Mine's 14, so I know.

  3. Yes, I'd never heard it before coming to South Yorkshire. I still find it strange, even after nearly 40 years I don't use it.


    I've only been in Sheffield for 20 years and I found myself using 'while', in this context, for the first time just a couple of weeks ago. True integration.


    Call me a nerd, but this is one of the most interesting threads I've read on SF.

  4. I hate to throw food away, (a waste of both food and money). I try to buy just what I know will be consumed, using all leftovers later on during the week. Ok, sometimes I'm caught out with, say, the odd bit of mouldy fruit, too far gone to even become a pie filling (in which case I'll compost it), but I think remembering how my mum used to struggle to feed us kids on very little has shaped my attitude. Having said that, I have friends (usually the higher-income earners) who chuck out food, left, right, and centre.

  5. The other day I was walking down Stannington road towards The Anvil. There was a plump girl sat at the bus stop. As soon as she saw me she came out and asked for 40p to get her home on the bus, as she had traveled to see her mom and she wasn't in so she was stuck in Stannington. I am a sucker for a hard luck story so I gave her a quid. Got back home told my OH what had happened. She turned round, described her perfectly and said she had had the same thing asked of her a couple of days previously. Since then I have seen her outside Howcrofts just above the anvil and saying the same story. Now I don't mind helping people out if they need it. But I am disgusted that people have the cheek to do this. I know it goes on a lot im not stupid or anything. Just thought I would mention it as I think she should be stopped the little fat scrounger!!


    I think we've nearly all been had in this way at some point in our lives.

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