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About lindilu

  • Birthday January 19

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    foster carer

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  1. I went to the pictures[cinema] tomorrow I got a front seat at the back A lady gave me a chocolate I ate it and gave it her back
  2. I think a lot of the girls including our Chris had a crush on Neil. Yes Peter you're right now I remember it was Mr Wall
  3. Hi pipsmum, did you know my sister Christine Bellamy I think she may have been in the same year as you but as you said o.m.g its such a long time ago.
  4. Hi Gloria, your name seems familiar though I left a year after you. I think the swimming instuctor at Broadfield Rd baths was called Mr Ward.
  5. I went to Abbeydale infants and junior in the main building on Glen Road then on to secondary school on Abbeydale Rd. Lowfield like Carterknowle was a feeder school.
  6. I think the malt stuff was called Virol, don't remember having it myself but I know my little sister had to suffer it
  7. I went to Abbeydale Junior where we had Haddon, Hardwick, Chatsworth and Welbeck. At secondary school it was Alpha, Bete Gamma and Delta
  8. I was there when Mr Johnson was head Mrs Murray was my teacher in my 1st year. Hopefully I will be at the next reunion 19th April see you there
  9. Thanks Madowl you make me realise how RICH my childhood was though we didnt have any money we had a hell of a lot more, we had fun and we had some great friends who also came from not so well off families
  10. Iused to go on the trips to seaside each year with this club. my grandad and uncles were all members. We had to line up and be counted afore we got on the charabanc
  11. My mother and father in-law met at this school where some of their friends also met their partners
  12. Fairthorne was at Dore, I did not stay there myself but my sister Christine did in thr early 50s. Agirl called Sonia Wood was there at the same time as Chris and I remember visiting, Sonias dad gave us a lift home
  13. I left Abbeydale in 63 but I remember Ann Duncombe, Christine Harrison and the others as they were in my sisters year. My sister is Christine Bellamy if anyone remembers her. Mr Johnson was head when I was there also Christine Moss , Marian Johnson Carol Bex , Jean Ducker Susan Dung , Gideon Leonard John Morton Stuart Sorsby to name just a few
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