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  1. That was a brilliant house used to go exploring in there when it was run down and boarded up as kids there was loads of apple and pear trees to scromp from shame it wasnt preserved rather than being turned into a retail park and car park. Can remeber seeing the midnight showing of one of the freddy films with my girlfreind at the time at the cinema here had to walk her home to Beighton after the film and then a scarey walk alone through the fields to hackenthorpe. Seem to remember Eddy the eagle getting stuck coming down his rope on opening day.
  2. yeah that will be the one we ended up walking home cos we had no taxi money spent it all on beer think ive still got the tape of it somewhere.
  3. I remeber having a poster from when the exploited played at the marples when i was about 14 and they had stopped then but i think only just so id reckon about 83 84ish. mY first gig was the subs at take two club supported by the bland another great venue lost.
  4. You dont know melthebell but your other half does he was after your time where have you found the band photos were they on his site or have you got some. That playlist things pretty good sean.
  5. I am and yes you do sound like the queen. Realised who you are when i read the post on the sheffield skinhead thread about the embarrassing dad dancing and taking your 16 yr old daughter with you.
  6. Unfortunetly i missed all the punk gigs at the marples as im not as old as you and Martin.
  7. The best of Jimmy Cliff what an album
  8. Very interesting allways wondered about this shop whenever ive passed it.
  9. Wolfstalin did the tunnel to manor lodge go under the river as suggested or was there some sort of concealed entrance on the river bank. Also retep tells us there was a some sort of tunnel or pipe uncovered while the digging of ponds forge now given the nature of the site and the well known history of it why wasnt there some sort of archeological team overlooking the dig.
  10. I would assume that the best people to get hold of would be the contractors who dug out the ponds forge foundations as surely any tunnels from the castle to the queens head would have gone in this direction. There is also plenty of people who claim to have seen the entrances to these tunnels in some of the pubs cellers so cant we just get someone to go around and photograph them. Unfortunetly even if people find the entrances to these tunnels if there is any left then we would never be able to prove that they went to the castle as the site has been redeveloped over the last century so much that i doubt anything under there would be left intact.
  11. I left in about 87 but my older brother once told me about it but was never too sure if he was having me on.
  12. Do any of you remember Mr Witt building an hovercraft with some of the pupils.
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