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Everything posted by cuddywhite

  1. my husband was diagnosed with it this weekend and was quite poorly but getting better now. i know am worried about the kids.
  2. Hi, i am having a carboot this sunday 5th july at Paces in High green, i have so much baby stuff to get rid off including clothes boys and girls, stair gates, pushchair, Millions of toys , Moses basket, bedding, Carrier, Maxi cosi car seat etc. Please come along and grab yourself a bargain
  3. hi, I am doing am standing at High Green Paces Carboot this Sunday from 9 am. I have millions of kids clothes (boys up to 12 months and girls up to 2) And loads of toys baby equipment etc to sell. I really need to get rid of all this stuff before we move so please come along . Thanks
  4. some rooms at the marriott( now called Kenwood Hall) have a jacuzzi so do the rooms at staindrop lodge in Chapel town, which is a beautifull hotel
  5. Tried to catch the rabbit but it was far to frightened and quick for me . It stayed in my garden all day and i rang around to find someone to catch it but in the evening it ran through the gap back to my neighbours and hasnt been seen since. I hope it found its way home but who knows.
  6. we will rent it out as a last resort really as we need to buy a new house where we are moving to so obviously need to get rid of the mortgage so that we can get another one.
  7. Hope ive done this right, this link should take you to the property details http://details.vebra.com/property/647/17917803 In answer to the above question we have dropped the price by £10,000 to £116,950 and are now the cheapest house on the estate including 2 beds so i think any one buying it is getting a real bargain especially as we paid an awfull lot more for it. We need to sell before September so have priced it competivly
  8. Hi as stated really, keeps running between mine and neighbours garden, who should i report it to obviously someones pet and i dont want it to get hurt. High green area in case anyone is missing one
  9. Along shot i know, but i am currently trying to sell my house in High Green due to my husbands job moving down south. We are therefore after a quick sale and are exploring all possibilities. We know we are going to lose money on the property as we only bought it 2 years ago. If you are a property developer and looking for a bit of a bargain then please pm me. The house is a 3 bed semi with garage and gardens on the Dowlands estate i love the area and the close i live on is so lovely i will be sad to leave. It is a popular estate with good schools.
  10. I currently live in High Green and love it the estate i live on is quiet safe and the primary school has just been classed as outstanding in every catogory by Ofsted. The Dowlands esate also backs on to the country park and has excelent connection to the motorway and therefore town and meadowhall. Ideal place to bring up a familly, unfortunatly we are having to move due to hubbys job but i will really miss the area
  11. I am also moving to birmingham after living in sheffield for 8 years, i am originally from birmingham and love the city. Know having a familly i am also looking for somewhere to bring up a familly with good schools etc and knowing birmingham well we are looking around solihull, shirley, Cofton Hackett in the south of the city junction 5 on m42. TRhe house prices do however reflect that these areas are very desirable especially cause of the schools. Comparing Birmingham and Sheffield i have to say Sheffield is far more friendly on the whole but in birmingham you do get your ''salt of the earth'' brummies but there are now a lot of yuppies and far larger groups of ethinc diversities. Birmingham is a much bigger city than Sheffield but you do find areas within it that are almost village like. I love both cities but if it wasnt for familly being in Birmingham then i wouldnt be leaving Sheffield.
  12. i used to work for haybrook and i would never use them to sell my house they are extremelly unproffessional as well as being expensive.
  13. Hi ive got 2 female friends in mid twenties visiting me in sheffield soon and i havent been in to town for ages. They are both single and like a good old boogy as well as a bit of talent spotting. Where should i take them that is trendy and cool not tacky and studenty. Thanks any suggestions welcome
  14. Many thanks for your speedy response "Adaline" Although, I have experience with Flash I have continued to use it as a visual tool and know very little regarding its capabilities to transfer/store data via the web. So this is why I have come to the forum as I feel I am getting out of my depth. I am hoping you have visited the site which I mentioned in my original post as this is exactly what I require. I feel this is a very attractive resource but advanced way beyond my capabilities. I am still unsure as to whether PHP/mysql has been used alongside Flash to produce this system. I have been told these tools would be necessary. If this system is very much achievable, I would appreciate if you could suggest possible costings for such a project. I have the skills to produce the actual .swfs but not the programming capabilities to create the reporting structure and admin panel. I am keen to pursue this project and would welcome any PMs. Regards.
  15. this is definitely a message for advanced flash users. I am currently looking to develop a system incorporating flash activities and quizzes. i have the capabilities to produce these objects but would appreciate any input into the following. I would like to devise a method of recording and reporting quiz scores and have come across an impressive system which i would like to mimic. This system can be viewed at http://www.mymaths.co.uk i am particularly referirng to the assessment manager in this system, if you take a tour of the site you will get a clear idea of what they have achieved. id be grateful if anyone can tell me how its been done(is it entirely in flash or use of php/mysql) and more importantly could you create this system.
  16. i love it here as do my kids, by far the best soft play centre in sheffield at the moment.The play equipment is fantastic and on a sunday morning when we go ive never had a problem with the staff. Heard today though that a new soft play area is opening the week before easter in High green at paces campus so will have to compare it to that
  17. it has nt any kids facilities but my daughter who is 2 and a half loves taybarns at tankersly as she can do the icecream herself and choose her food. There is a bit of grass outside for the summer aswell
  18. i am loopy, but i am discussing the fact i cant get on to facebook. Thought i might have been banned or something. Is that possible? hmmmm
  19. hi just wondering if anyone else is having problems login in this morning, it just stays blank when have tried.
  20. i really dislke the new pairing especially the women, i can not believe she was the best person for the job. She probably only got it cause she has 1 arm and it ticks another box. What with ruddy on me too, penny pocket on Balamorey a gay telletubby are there any others!!!
  21. i have heard a lot of people moan about thorncliffe saying that there are to many young staff and they are constantly changing. i looked at thorncliffe for my daughter who is also 2 and a half but she is now at steps in high green, just up the road from thorncliffe.
  22. She comes back home! To drive to the school she has to go all the way round, which means she also has to pass anothwer school meaning she gets caught in traffic aswell. I am on a right rant about it this morning as some idiot fighting over a kerb space mounted the kerp and almost wiped me and the push chair with my son in out.
  23. i am getting so fed up with dodging cars around st Marys in high green every morning. I walk my daughter to nursery and it is ridiculous how many cars there are all drining aggresivly to secure a parking spot to drop kids off. Why dont some of these people walk with there kids? My neighbour drives to the schoo and we only live approximatly 400 metres from the school if you walk!!! She even admits it takes longer to drive than walk!!! I think the school should put in place a walking bus or ask parents not to drive down the narrow pack horse lane, before someone gets injured or killed.
  24. I can not believe how hypocritical you are as on a thread only a few days ago you stated that you do not and never will recycle your waste. Where do you think all your excess waste will go, into landfillsites that will have to be placed in the green belt!!!!
  25. hi, i had the same issue as you, i didnt want to go to dating scan as i had previously miscarried. when i saw the midwife iwas offered an earlier scan to put my mind at rest but chose to wait for my dating scan to be after 12 weeks and this then put my mind at ease.
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