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Everything posted by Greytgirl

  1. Advent Fair - Saturday 1st December, Wesley Hall, Crookes. come and see us for Christmas gifts, cakes and more! Lunch available
  2. Hi Sue, Id be interested in a stall, please PM me and I can give you more details thanks
  3. Come and join Sheffield Retired Greyhound Trust at Owlerton Stadium for their annual dog show. There's stalls and prizes, plus classes for greyhounds and other dogs. Free entry!! Fun starts at 11.00am:)
  4. was that the 7.15 showing? I was there and wondered what was going on. Loved that dozey woman who shouted to everyone to check their tickets and move to their correct seat just as the lights went out. Couldn't see my own feet, never mind the tiny writing on my ticket.
  5. Could someone tell me what happens if you have booked your tickets over the internet and have a reference number to collect your ticket from the machine at the station? The machine near the tram stop only sells tickets, it does not allow you to collect tickets you have already paid for. Surely, as you have a ticket (although not physically) at this point you should be allowed to cross the bridge.
  6. Hi, Greyboy is currently stuck on Olive Grove something or other, it's taken him over an hour to get there from Hillsborough. He's pulled off into a side street for a while to try and let the traffic ease up rather than just burning diesel and not going anywhere. As he has to get to Gleadless I'm not holding out any hope of seeing him much before 8pm! East Bank road is totally snarled up, not helped by someone thinking their journey was more important than others and is now stuck in the middle of the road. Well done council for keeping everyone moving!!
  7. We passed the accident at Grenoside at 11.40. There was a lad at the side of the car and a young girl in the middle of the road on her mobile, she was also talking to the driver of a mini bus full of people on the other side of the carriageway. Unless there was anyone else in the car, no one appeared hurt. The situation was not helped by the numpty driving his 'racing car' with his mates,coming in the other direction. Quite a few cars had stopped and sensibly put their hazard warning lights on to alert other drivers. Numpty racing car decides they must be there for fun and over took them going far too fast. Luckily the girl who had previously been in the middle of the road had moved, otherwise it could have been far more serious. Really hope everyone involved is ok. If you are the numpty - then shame on you. Just a pity the police hadn't arrived at that point.
  8. I'd second the butterfly house. I took my 4 year old nephew there a couple of weeks ago and he LOVED it. There's things to do if it rains and the indoor play area with the cannons was a big hit. He went home to his Mum and Dad and asked if he could have his birthday party there. If the weather isn't too bad it's Rotherham show in Clifton Park, it looks ok from the website and we'll be there with our lovely greyhounds.
  9. I was wondering if any of you have hired a Rug Doctor carpet cleaner. My Mum has a large carpet that needs cleaning and we were going to use our small Bissell cleaner, but I've seen that you can hire the machines quite cheaply and wanted to know what they were like. Would anyone recommend them? thanks:D
  10. There's a shop that sells all kinds of cake bits and pieces on the landing above the Castle Market. They are lovely ladies and will most certainly have tins for rent. Not the most glamourous part of town, but the shop is worth a visit.
  11. Bit of a long shot, but do you still have the gravel? Did try and PM you but I'm a bit of a newbie on the forum so not sure if it worked. I'd give it a really good home in my garden! thanks:|
  12. There's a flower festival taking place at Wesley Hall, Crookes S10 tomorrow and Saturday. It's based on weddings and the ladies have manages to get dresses from as far back as the 1930's and have re created the bouquets etc that would have gone with each dress. It's open 10am- 4pm on both days and there's lunch available on Saturday. The ladies ( which include my Mum) have worked really hard to get this idea off the ground and into reality. It would be fantastic if they could get loads of visiters.
  13. This is not really gardening, but may interest some of you. There's a flower festival taking place at Wesley Hall, Crookes S10 tomorrow and Saturday. It's based on weddings and the ladies have manages to get dresses from as far back as the 1930's and have re created the bouquets etc that would have gone with each dress. It's open 10am- 4pm on both days and there's lunch available on Saturday. The ladies ( which include my Mum) have worked really hard to get this idea off the ground and into reality. It would be fantastic if they could get loads of visiters.
  14. My advice would be to ditch the diet theory. Once you go on a diet you automatically want the things you can't have and this makes you even more desparate and you'll probably end up putting on weight. Try changing your diet a bit at a time, start by eating brown bread instead of white, eat more fruit and veg and invest in a low fat cook book or look for one that you can cook a decent meal in 20mins. It's easier to eat healthily and have the occasional treat rather than deny yourself everything. I've managed to lose 1.5 stone this way and feel much better phyically and mentally. Still have a way to go, but as Summer approaches it's much easier to get out for a walk and have fresh salads etc. I'd be happy to chat further if you want to PM me.
  15. Damon's is even worse. It's like eating in a zoo as kids eat free so it's always packed and they sing Happy Birthday - very tunelessly to customers having parties. On the only occassion we have been there we had burgers, they were so awful I asked to see the manager. His response to my complaint was 'well we're not known for our burgers, if you wanted something good you should have had ribs, that's what we're famous for'. So it's obvious they don't care! Needless to say we've never been back
  16. The OH and I went to Yankees a few weeks ago on a Friday night. It was awful. There were a few people in, but it was by no means packed, the service was attricious, the food took ages to come and when it did it was terrible. Both of us thought that a freshly cooked Makky D's would have been better, so you can guess from that how bad it was. Uncle Sam's for us for sure next time
  17. Hi, we went over a couple of years ago and I would definatley recommend the air boat ride to see the alligators, it was amazing, ring first to book otherwise you'll trek all the way there to be told that they're fully booked. Good tip for the bigger, more popular rides is to use the single rider line. You may not get to ride with Disney's Animal Kingdom within 20 mins of queing, whereas others in the ordinary line were waiting hours. If you decide to go there go for opening time in the morning and head for the safari straight away, you'll see more as the animals will head for shade once the sun comes out. If you have any unused days sell them on before you come home. The money is better in your pocket than thrown away. Have a fantastic time.
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