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Everything posted by crushedagin

  1. BNP are a bit of a joke of a party but I think it stinks to high heaven that you are BANNED from joining it in certain professions. BNP are a legitimate party with legitimate views .To ban people from joining smacks of big brother
  2. So you want me to go get a mc job do you. Benefit suspension is until the 30th Jan dont have anything left to sell (being going on since august) Would like to go bankrupt but costs £500 I ask you? lol speaking to bailiffs through the upstairs window cos you cant let em in u know. Are you not worried that this may happen to you? Cos im an it systems engineer applying for two jobs a day and people who I apply to keep mentioning the credit crunch
  3. If you beat drugs you should be proud of yourself, it shows a strength of character that most people on here dont have. Well done
  4. Former painter here.... get a profile sander the bosch ones are good if you buy the bosch triangular sheets to put on em.......staircase sanded in a couple of hours
  5. Next time you do drugs DONT TELL ANYBODY then nobody will know
  6. Get this, have appealed DSS want a cert from doc that doc charges for!!!! how the hell can I pay 35 quid for a cert from doc when only get 36 quid a week..........I ask you
  7. OK guys you not got anything better to do? We KNOW there isnt a god but ijiots keep killing each other cos their god is better than your god. All people who have faith have inbuilt stupidity.
  8. My Champix experience By Puckoon I am smoking again. Congratulations to all you lovely people who have managed to stop the disgusting nicoteen addiction by counteracting it with champix It is my ambition to follow you. Champix was fantastic! : I really didn’t have a care in the world, I got fit, I ate well and I smiled a lot I also didn’t smoke or want to smoke. Champix has disgusting side effects: Made me FART REAL BAD, gave me morning sickness, trashed my bowels, made me put on weight. Champix sent me crazy: I was irrational, had altered priorities, difficulty communicating, the odd panic attack, a feeling of detachment and calm,I stopped driving and been told by friends was permenantly wearing a bizarre grin Champix made me very lazy Champix got me fired (see above) Although a little hazy this summer was the best Ive had for years. Long walks, good food, didn’t have a care in the world it actually felt like being permanently happy drugged. Problem is I lost my job, am unable to meet my financial commitments and now trying to survive on benefits. Still I am back to “normal” again now and and will have my nose to the grindstone again shortly im sure, (its been a couple of months since I finished my emergency champix stash.) Apparently it takes six months before the little blue pills repeat their delicious effect. No way will the doc let me have ‘em again. But if I do get hold of the little blue baddies in 4 or 5 months at least i am forewarned. Good luck with your quits and get someone to keep an eye on you when you take the pills.
  9. Hello Guys used to post as puckoon but champix made me forget my login, email duh! my experiences to follow
  10. You think YOU have a problem I was fired while I was off sick (champix side effects) Now I have a benefit suspension for my misconduct which means I get £36 a week under the hardship provision and I have an interview on the 27th to see why I havnt got a job! can I say cant afford to pay bills , cant afford public transport , cant even afford a bloody haircut what chance do I have?
  11. If I could grow my own there wouldnt be a need for me to seek out dealers.......Is that bad?
  12. Sex is something that is encoded in our genes between 16 and 25 you HAVE to do it after 25 it becomes a choice. Still if someone offers I might be tempted!
  13. One should have a right in this country to affiliate with any party that doesnt advocate violence, I believe the BNP are being persecuted, dont agree wiv em but even policemen should be allowed to join if they wish.......they are not allowed by law...freedom of thought? I think not
  14. OK I know there is a God cos he is up there ripping the absolute **** out of me! there is no way the things that have been happening to lme ately are random someone up there HAS to be having a laff
  15. Ok guys , had some issues with champix that involved me losing my job even though the doctor had signed me of sick. Upshot is I have a benefit suspension cos of my "misconduct" till the 30th january, could YOU live on it? cos I cant
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