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Posts posted by feederfil

  1. As it's 25 years since Hope and anchor brewery shut ,time for a reunion. This will be on Friday 24th May at Jubilee Sports and Social Club from 1930 hrs. Any past employees are welcome and if any forum member knows any body who worked there could they let them know. Any photos or memorabilia anyone brings would be interesting .

  2. Used to be friends with the family who lived there in the 60s ,they owned a decorating business and the record shop on Wadsley bridge shops. There was a great orchard all round the house ,great for scromping. Molinari's ice cream took over some of the land to park their Van's. I was amazed that inside there was a separate staircase that went into the kitchen for staff to use.

  3. Last night on BBC there was a programme about IKEA,very interesting . One fact that came out IKEA use the equivalent of 70 million trees a year in their furniture. This makes the small number of trees in being cut down fade into irrevelance with regard to Oxygen levels on the planet. Will the protesters now also turn to IKEA and refuse their products and protest on site.

    70 million trees being cut down is massive ,plus how many trees are being cut down to feed Drax power station yet no protests seems very strange ,perhaps a poet being there would help !,

  4. I was on the march past the cenotaph in London this weekend. At the end of the march coming towards Horse Guards Parade there is a car park for all consulate cars. There was Jeremy Corbyn ,who instead of going for free dinner and drinks was stood there. He clapped every veteran and marcher as they went past. This was totally ignored in the press,but was much appreciated by everybody on the march. He was the only politician there acknowledging the marchers,the others were filling their snouts.

  5. Enjoyed seeing all the yellow bikes all over the place. But saw one today on the back of a scrap metal collectors transit. I know the council put them up but who do they belong to and should they come down? Also should scrap yards refuse to take them as they are that obvious?

  6. With respect, the stuff that was brewed when the Exchange Brewery was closed was as much like stones as canned Carlsberg lager is, awful stuff in other words. The only resemblance to Stones Beer it has is its name "Stones"


    Stones was brewed at Cannon brewery and Hope Brewery in Sheffield. Exchange brewery was Whitbread and brewed Trophy,Gold label etc. Have to admit that Stones is not like it was mainly due to the reduction in ABV.

  7. Reunion for all Hope and Anchor employees at Jubilee Club Friday 7th February 7.00 onwards. Hope to see you there George. See previous thread re brewery on clay wheels lane.Had quite a good response so far and expect quite a few people there. If you have still got any contacts ie.John Buddery,John Leckie, Dave Ash forth or whoever please let them know.

  8. I applied for JSA after working all my life,but unfortunately I was drawing a couple of private pensions.They said I was due JSA yippee until I saw the amount 0.65 a week. I went back and signed off. Have you found a job? Nope but it costs more in shoe leather to come here every week than that amount. So now I am one of the lucky ones that Cameron boasts has come of the register so must have found a job. They also issued me with a P45 with the totally wrong tax code on it,it will get sorted out next April eehh!!:loopy: Never mind onwards and upwards.

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