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Everything posted by nicke261192

  1. I have an idea for a new business venture but I was just wondering if it sounds like something you guys think would be good as I don't think it's really been done before exactly how I imagine it. When my aunty got married last year I hooked a projector up to my iPad at her venue as she had no photographer there and then went round and took pictures of all the guests which were then streamed back and displayed as a slideshow. Everybody seemed to like it and I made all the pictures available online after. Does anybody think that there could be a market for this kind of thing? I've never seen it done before anyway. Maybe even as either a photo booth at weddings or other events such as birthdays. The Unique Selling Point of it would be the instantaneous display of the images and being able to download them later? Thanks, Nick
  2. You going to take part Sharon? x ---------- Post added 03-12-2012 at 02:27 ---------- We now have a venue arranged so please see the edited original post. Thanks guys!
  3. Does anybody know who I would contact about possibly getting this thread stickied or entered into the press? I'm going to contact the Sheffield Star tomorrow to see if they can help but I'm open to other ideas too. Thanks
  4. On Sunday 6th January 2013 an eight mile run/jog/walk will be taking place for the Motor Neurone Disease Association. We are doing it in memory of Zaina Elliott who sadly passed away from the disease last week at the young age of 19. We will be holding an event at the finish line of the race (The Manor Castle pub, Manor Lane) and anybody is welcome to come along and how their support to those who are taking part in the race and to the cause in general. Anybody can sign up for the run and all the information you need can be found here: http://www.facebook.com/runforzaina Or you can donate to the cause by going to: http://Http://www.justgiving.com/forzaina Thanks
  5. After spending a few hours today with my dad we've managed to get all the old bolts out luckily! One of them was missing?! So we have two complete bolts so it looks like when the head gasket was replaced before I bought the car only two bolts had been put back in! This might have been why it gave way? Anyway, i'm hoping to get some tomorrow and get them put in! I've seen that Euro car parts have them in stock online so if I can't find any from a scrappy they will deliver them the next day for £4 extra which isn't too bad a price to pay considering how much it would have cost me at a garage for them to get the old bolts out! Cheers, Nick
  6. I was driving my Vauxhall Corsa C on Queens Road yesterday and all of a sudden my car was making a horrible scraping sound so I pulled up straight away and put my hazards on. The mount that holds my engine in place on the left has completely sunk as the three bolts that hold it have all snapped! There hasn't been any damage luckily but me and my dad have looked at it and it looks like I need three new Elring Head Bolts. I have seen some on Euro Car Parts in Sheffield but I was just wondering if anybody had any recommendations as to where I could get some from? Cheers
  7. They have had the magnetic chargers on their laptops for years now?
  8. I need to get some new passport photos taken and I know of a number of booths where I can have them done however when my mum renewed hers a few years back she went to a shop where if your photos were declined they would provide you with new ones free of charge. I was just wondering if anybody knows of any places like this as she can't remember where she went as it was so long ago? Thanks, Nick
  9. It depends on the day that you go out really and also the type of scene that you like. I often go out on either Tuesdays or Thursdays with my friends with Tuesdays being spent at Players (love that place), Soyo and then Crystal and Thursdays at Players then Plug! Plug is a good venue as it has multiple rooms that play different types of music (something for everyone really).
  10. I went into Hobbycraft last week and I was told that they didn't sell it but Homebase do. I went into Homebase and they didn't have the clear kind that I wanted only different colours and designs. I ended up getting mine from Staples down The Moor
  11. I'm taking part in my secret santa at uni and i'm also stuck about what to get :/ The girl I have though is a right laugh so i'm also looking for something that's stupid
  12. About 10 years ago when I was still at school we had a visit and they let us go and ring the bells. A lot may have changed since then though.
  13. A friend on my course at uni is fluent in both England and Polish, I could ask her if she would consider giving lessons if you're interested?
  14. I know that the company is based in Wards court but does anybody know how you get in to it?
  15. Me and my friends got our books from HMV and we still managed to get in as they weren't checking receipts at all! I agree though it was very badly organised and one of the staff members (an older guy with a moustache) was very rude but all the others were very friendly. We got in about 5:40 after joining the queue once it was outside the shoe shop upstairs. They stopped letting people in shortly after us.
  16. I work a few doors down and we looked on our CCTV and you can see him walking down with the can of petrol ten walking back up a few minutes later lighting a fag without a care in the world!
  17. Looking to either take in some ex bat chickens or some who are not too old, currently building a big coop for them and looking for around 3 or 4, does anyone know where I could get any from? Thanks, Nick
  18. Can anyone suggest where I could buy a Hamster from? Somewhere decent.. Thanks!
  19. Hey, I am in desperate need of a haircut as my hair is getting too long for me to deal with now, I also have quite thick hair so I normally need it thinned out aswell. I was wondering if anyone could reccomend a mens hairdresser for me as I normally have a medium style 'fashionable' cut? Also it's been a fair whoe since I have died my hair and my roots are very noticable but I havnt heated of a mens hairdressers that offers dying services if there is any please let me know! Thanks, Nick PS either a person or a shop I'm not fussy
  20. Thanks for that link, I take it this means the bus 13/14 will just be renamed 22 and will go the same route? Thanks
  21. Can anyone actually give me a link so I can check this out for myself? Thanks
  22. This reminds me of a few weeks ago, I'd just finished school and I got a return to the cinema, on the tram ride back the conductor checked my ticket and walked past me didn't ask for my pass. Half way home an inspector came round and asked to see my pass aswell, I looked everywhere but I couldn't find anywhere. She then said "fine looks like your walking home then" and chucked me off the tram! I had no money on me so I had to walk home! Disgusting I think, if I hadn't have had the pass on me I wouldn't have been able to even buy the child fare! I was even in my school uniform! She was very very snotty too! :@
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