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Everything posted by StarvingMe

  1. Unfortunately that's just how it is these days, sad but true. Its like there is a scam relating to everything nowadays. Watch out for the gym scam! I had someone call up wanting to update my payment details for my gym membership, I'd never heard of the gym I apparently had a membership to so it was obviously a scam attempt. But if they do find out some of the big gym names in Sheffield I'm sure a few people will end up falling for it.
  2. Hi I'm looking to buy a PC capable of playing the Rust game, I was originally on a £200 budget but after doing some research I know it's not really possible, or at least that I know of. I was deciding to buy between a few seconds hand machines for around £250 but then I had help from another forum to put this build together, https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/9GC92R it passes well above the minimum requirements, also plan to upgrade the ram at a later date. What do you think? Can I do better for less?
  3. How do you know the things you see are ever there? They might just appear when you look.. Can see this thread getting deep
  4. It depends where you're going and what time of year, plus it's a fairly new Airport. I've had some good bargains from there, malaga £55 and £86 return twice this year.
  5. Anyone who has been unemployed for more than 6 month without medical reasons should be forced to do work, not unpaid work but work for their dole money.
  6. To be fair if it's within 14 to 28 days depending on where you bought it you can take it back for a full refund due to poor performance or point out the fault. After that time period it may lay with who ever deals with the warranty. P. S always do your research on a TV before buying
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