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Everything posted by eyemere

  1. And as if by magic....... Here they come. I think it's pretty clear what I am suggesting.
  2. At least they didn't drop a little water on his head like the yanks did in Guantanamo, that caused an uproar that did.
  3. Would the OP be just as confrontational if the photographer had been female?
  4. That is such a good reply Now as the better person, I'm not even going to rise to your bait
  5. I think you will find (when you decide to grow up) that as a member on here my opinion counts for just as much as yours. Get over yourself
  6. Why do you keep trying to derail the thread? This is about the guys that came over here to work on the roads and buildings, not about the potato blight famine. Start a thread up regarding your own personal agenda or keep schtum.
  7. Wether you believe it or not, makes no difference to me. What I have wrote is the truth. ---------- Post added 31-01-2015 at 09:39 ---------- Like I said, it is irrelevant, you don't believe it so what is the point in me stating the name of the pub? I don't lie.
  8. It's irrelevant anyway, the pub that I know of for definite is long gone and others that I heard about but didn't actually see are gone too.
  9. There was certainly places in London where the irish we're not allowed, there was also places where the irish used to go and then the locals would raid now and then beating everyone up for what can only be one reason. That is true because I have witnessed it, this was in 1980. What I find interesting on this thread is the fact no one has mentioned the terrorists. The vast majority, if not all of these great builders of our great country donated either directly or indirectly to the IRA. Wether they paid into the weekly collections over here themselves (forced I might add) Or if they sent money back home, the IRA would have collections in every city, town and village. Sinn Fein still do this to this day in Ireland. I wonder if in thirty years time someone will start a thread about how the Muslims have helped further this country into what it will be at that time?
  10. It was pretty obvious to most people what you meant Bill.
  11. The plain packaging will help the youngsters who at the moment still don't smoke. They can't afford the expensive, more fashionable fags yet don't want to lose face by buying the cheaper brands. Well done to the government and the rest of the lunatics in the asylum, your now making it a damn site easier for them to buy the cheaper fags and doing away with the cheaper fag packet stigma.
  12. You mean they don't? ---------- Post added 26-01-2015 at 20:54 ---------- You mean there are some that have worked? ---------- Post added 26-01-2015 at 20:56 ---------- Many? No. All? Probably.
  13. Would not the thread title, Unemployed people get showered with money and gifts EACH WEEK, be more fitting?
  14. You finally give some proper advice thank you As for contacting the school, I shall be doing first thing Monday morning but as the school was closed when I found out about this latest visit, I thought I may be bold and ask on here, obviously that was very wrong of me! I apologise for upsetting you. I bow down to your superior knowledge.
  15. Yawn Who visited? Ofsted When did they visit? Before Christmas After the new year Last week Why did they visit? No idea. Again, cgksheff if you can't help then why do you keep replying?
  16. The thread was started to ask if it was normal for inspectors to go back to a school so quickly after their last visit. I have concerns about this. Since starting the thread and reading the replies I find they have actually been three times within a few weeks of each other. My concerns now are even greater. If you have nothing to offer to the thread, why bother commenting at all? I apologise if I have got confused a little with the audits but after learning about yet another audit then it seems reasonable to get a little confused. Now, anyone know if it is regular or should I continue to worry about my children's education in this school?
  17. Ofsted was in the school last week. They were back again yesterday. There ya have it. ---------- Post added 24-01-2015 at 23:01 ---------- Thank you Blackbeard, seems they have been three times in the past month. What do you have to say now cgksheff?
  18. If that was the case shouldn't they have given the school some reasonable time to implement them rather than a week or so?
  19. Must just be having one of them moments. ---------- Post added 24-01-2015 at 20:00 ---------- Does anyone not know wether it's normal or not for them to return so soon, it's a little concerning.
  20. I'm struggling to get my head around that last line, attendance levels are average but truancy is above average
  21. What you are saying just backs up others views that everybody can be found and traced back if the authorities needed to so they don't actually need any more laws.
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