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About sandstorm

  • Birthday 05/03/1987

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. The jelly is wobbling in Pakistan now, it took the youth of Northern Ireland to stand up and say No More !! and the same is happening there. The only people to police the muslim states are muslims and in another 2 generations the people of conflict will be old & very weak. I guess they don't think that far ahead.
  2. Time is the major factor for me, i just don't like waiting for anything, I don't have time to wait to much to do. If you had wifi access city wide on all buses trams etc this would help plug the gap.
  3. A dear friend of mine has had a terrible experience with social services and Sheffield family courts ARE biased. Why do they think they are impartial with all the so called professionals feeding from the same trough. I have emailed my MP, thank you for sharing this.
  4. These need a lot of planning and groundwork so you do need experienced tradesmen to do this. Have a look at zdplumbingheating.co.uk near Mosborough.
  5. I had a look for new and exciting channels. I think I will have to lower my expectations, same old same old.
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